@pontusespe95 There is a way, but you would need to activate the Pro features of the plugin.
When you use Bring Fraktguiden Pro, you get the option to set the prices yourself and still use all of brings features within the store.
You’re also able to set a minimum spend before free shipping, so it could be that you want to make sure postages is removed after 400kr, and below this, you can set it to a flat rate fo 50kr, just to cover the cost of small items being sent.
The Free part of the plugin only allows you to pull the prices from your MyBring account.
I would suggest upgrading to Bring Pro, it’d allow you to show pick up points and many more options.
But if thats not an option, you could always not offer Bring on your checkout and manually process your orders and change the shipping option to Bring on the order page in the admin. This way, your customers pay 0kr for the shipping, but you still get to assign it as Bring after the fact.
How does that sound?