• I just signed up for Gravetars, and I’m not seeing them display on this site (wp forums…..and I signed up yesterday for gravetar)

    I’m also not seeing them display on my own personal site, even though I uploaded the widget?

    I clicked Activate, and yet see nothing different on my site. So I read the “Usage” and changed some of the terms but perhaps I’m not doing it correctly….or putting it into the right place?

    Has anyone done this already, could you show me the code and where I need to put it, I’m just getting lost in the Usage instructions.

    Like is this what I need to put in

    <?php gravatar(“G”, 80); ?>

    if I want it rated G and 80 x 80 pixels. But where in the code do I put it in? Sorry to be so dense, but I’ve just been trying to insert it in various places and nothing seems to get it working. My blog site is here https://www.christianpreschoolprintables.com/blog1 and you can see that it’s not working? Anyone know what I need to do?



    This is the code in the Gravetar.php file


    Plugin Name: Gravatar
    Plugin URI: https://www.gravatar.com/implement.php#section_2_2
    Description: This plugin allows you to generate a gravatar URL complete with rating, size, default, and border options. See the documentation for syntax and usage.
    Version: 1.1
    Author: Tom Werner
    Author URI: https://www.mojombo.com/

    2004-11-14 Fixed URL ampersand XHTML encoding issue by updating to use proper entity

    function gravatar($rating = false, $size = calse, $default = false, $border = false) {
    global $comment;
    $out = “https://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id=&#8221;.md5($comment->comment_author_email);
    if($rating && $rating != ”)
    $out .= “&rating=”.$rating;
    if($size && $size != ”)
    $out .=”&size=”.$size;
    if($default && $default != ”)
    $out .= “&default=”.urlencode($default);
    if($border && $border != ”)
    $out .= “&border=”.$border;
    echo $out;


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  • Thread Starter Valerie123


    forgot to say that I also replaced the places it says “false” with actual numbers but that didn’t work either?

    function gravatar($rating = false, $size = calse, $default = false, $border = false) {

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    If you’re using WordPress 2.5, you don’t need that plugin. Gravatar support is now built in. In the comment loop on your comments.php file (in your theme), you need to add something like this:
    <?php get_avatar($comment, 80); ?>

    The “G” is an option on your Settings page. Look around, I think it’s on the Miscellaneous screen.

    Look at the default theme’s comments.php file and see sorta how it works. Compare to your own theme.

    Also, I think it can take some time for the avatar to update. Dunno how long. You do need to make sure you used the exact same email address though.

    Thread Starter Valerie123


    Okay, that makes sense. It looks like my Avatar is showing up on this site (wp forums) now.

    I found the G rating in the Settings-Discussion area, so that looks good

    I’m not sure what you mean by “comment loop” I entered the code in the comment.php file just below where it says you can start editing….did you mean something else? I’ve entered it in various places but it still seems like it’s not working?

    should I be looking for the term “loop” in the code? I can’t find it anywhere?


    Go back to the post above and read it again:

    Look at the default theme’s comments.php file and see sorta how it works. Compare to your own theme.

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