Gravity Forms Missing after using Duplicator
Last clone I did was missing 2 Gravity Forms (first time that happened to me)
Using Gravity Forms 2.2.3
Duplicator 1.2.8Ended up doing a Gravity forms export and import from dev to live site – this also initially failed and was successful after a test form created on live site then import worked.
Hey Neilgee,
Did you happen to see any errors in the error report (step 4) or in the installer-log.txt file?
Hi Cory – I re-ran the install here are the errors
STEP-1 COMPLETE @ 04:00:47 - RUNTIME: 20.2924 sec. ******************************************************************************** * DUPLICATOR-LITE: INSTALL-LOG * STEP-2 START @ 04:01:05 * NOTICE: Do NOT post to public sites or forums ******************************************************************************** -------------------------------------- DATABASE ENVIRONMENT -------------------------------------- MYSQL VERSION: This Server: 5.5.54 -- Build Server: 5.6.35 FILE SIZE: database.sql (5.23MB) - installer-data.sql (5.23MB) TIMEOUT: 5000 MAXPACK: 134217728 SQLMODE: NOT_SET NEW SQL FILE: [/srv/www/yellow/htdocs/installer-data.sql] -------------------------------------- DATABASE RESULTS -------------------------------------- **ERROR** database error write 'Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'' - [sql= CREATE TABLE <code>wp_gf_addon_feed</code> ( <code>id</code> mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AU...] **ERROR** database error write 'Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'' - [sql= CREATE TABLE <code>wp_rg_form</code> ( <code>id</code> mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INC...] **ERROR** database error write 'Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'' - [sql= CREATE TABLE <code>wp_rg_form_meta</code> ( <code>form_id</code> mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NUL...] **ERROR** database error write 'Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'' - [sql= CREATE TABLE <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> ( <code>id</code> bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_...] **ERROR** database error write 'Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'' - [sql= CREATE TABLE <code>wp_rg_incomplete_submissions</code> ( <code>uuid</code> char(32) COLLATE ut...] **ERROR** database error write 'Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'' - [sql= CREATE TABLE <code>wp_rg_lead</code> ( <code>id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMEN...] **ERROR** database error write 'Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'' - [sql= CREATE TABLE <code>wp_rg_lead_detail</code> ( <code>id</code> bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUT...] **ERROR** database error write 'Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'' - [sql= CREATE TABLE <code>wp_rg_lead_detail_long</code> ( <code>lead_detail_id</code> bigint(20) unsi...] **ERROR** database error write 'Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'' - [sql= CREATE TABLE <code>wp_rg_lead_meta</code> ( <code>id</code> bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_...] **ERROR** database error write 'Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'' - [sql= CREATE TABLE <code>wp_rg_lead_notes</code> ( <code>id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_IN...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_gf_addon_feed' doesn't exist' - [sql= /* INSERT TABLE DATA: wp_gf_addon_feed */ INSERT INTO <code>wp_gf_addon_feed</code> V...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_gf_addon_feed' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_gf_addon_feed</code> VALUES("2", "2", "1", "0", "{\"feedName\":\"...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form' doesn't exist' - [sql= /* INSERT TABLE DATA: wp_rg_form */ INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form</code> VALUES("1", "...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form</code> VALUES("2", "Student Re-enrolment", "2017-06-13 05...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_meta' doesn't exist' - [sql= /* INSERT TABLE DATA: wp_rg_form_meta */ INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_meta</code> VAL...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_meta' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_meta</code> VALUES("2", "{\"title\":\"Student Re-enrolmen...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql= /* INSERT TABLE DATA: wp_rg_form_view */ INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VAL...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("2", "1", "2017-05-02 23:05:13", "202....] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("3", "1", "2017-05-04 00:22:38", "139....] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("4", "1", "2017-05-05 02:01:27", "49.1...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("5", "1", "2017-05-07 21:53:50", "14.2...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("6", "1", "2017-05-09 10:49:24", "49.1...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("7", "1", "2017-05-12 11:57:12", "1.12...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("8", "1", "2017-05-18 01:49:28", "202....] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("9", "1", "2017-05-20 13:02:06", "121....] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("10", "1", "2017-05-21 22:18:45", "202...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("11", "1", "2017-05-24 12:38:41", "110...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("12", "1", "2017-05-30 00:32:03", "202...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("13", "1", "2017-05-31 07:36:21", "110...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("14", "1", "2017-06-02 01:55:20", "110...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("15", "1", "2017-06-05 09:31:55", "110...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("16", "1", "2017-06-06 23:20:39", "110...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("17", "1", "2017-06-13 04:21:32", "122...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("18", "2", "2017-06-13 05:26:31", "52....] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("19", "2", "2017-06-16 04:35:49", "202...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("20", "1", "2017-06-16 04:38:13", "202...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("21", "2", "2017-06-19 05:03:30", "202...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("22", "1", "2017-06-19 05:05:30", "202...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("23", "2", "2017-06-21 01:04:39", "202...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("24", "1", "2017-06-21 01:04:39", "202...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("25", "2", "2017-06-22 03:18:35", "139...] **ERROR** database error write 'Table 'yellow.wp_rg_form_view' doesn't exist' - [sql=INSERT INTO <code>wp_rg_form_view</code> VALUES("26", "1", "2017-06-22 03:19:18", "139...] ERRORS FOUND: 42 TABLES DROPPED: 22 QUERIES RAN: 521 wp_commentmeta: (0) wp_comments: (1) wp_duplicator_packages: (2) wp_links: (0) wp_options: (221) wp_postmeta: (162) wp_posts: (73) wp_term_relationships: (4) wp_term_taxonomy: (3) wp_termmeta: (0) wp_terms: (3) wp_usermeta: (36) wp_users: (1) Removed '69' cache/transient rows CREATE/INSTALL RUNTIME: 0.5315 sec. STEP-2 COMPLETE @ 04:01:06 - RUNTIME: 0.9216 sec.
Hey @neilgee,
Thanks for the feedback! There are a few items on the FAQ that may provide a solution with this issue, this one may get you going.
? ? – What is Compatibility mode & ‘Unknown collation’ errors?
? ? – me know if any of them help~
Hi Cory – thanks for that – I guess my issue was more the fact that there was no notification during the migration process that there were database errors.
Site was migrated and further work was done to it, only later it was realised that gravity forms were missing at which stage the 2 databases were quite different.
Hey @neilgee,
Thanks for the update! On Step 4 of the installer their should have been a warning/notification flag. The error:
**ERROR** database error write ‘Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci”
is logged to the log file and also shown on Step 4 under the reports section. Both of the items are tied together so for every error in the log one should be shown in the reports section… Maybe we’ll try and bold or highlight the errors better in a future version.
Hi @corylamleorg,
I re-ran the installer to double check the errors as I couldn’t remember a warning been given and I didn’t receive an error.
Screen grab attached – – but it is in the installer log.
That’s the issue that the warning wasn’t displayed.
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
Hey Neil,
The area where it says Install Results (42) in red is where the errors are shown. If you click the “Show Report” button it will show an overview of problem. We may need to rename it from “Install Results” to Install Warnings or something, maybe that is what threw you off…
Hi Cory – Ok confession time – I have used the plugin a gazillion times and didn’t realise the ‘Install Results’ were errors in the migration process.
Well plus one from me in making that stand out a bit more to alert the user of any errors.
Sounds good! I think we will rename it from “Install Results” to “Install Notices” at one point it did say “Install Errors” however in several cases an SQL error doesn’t always result with site functionality issues, which then had the impact of users asking about errors when the site was fine. So hopefully this will be a fair balance. We hope to build in auto-correction at some-point in the future to try and take care of these issues on the fly if possible…
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
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