Hi Christian Zagarskas (@thezman),
We have used this plugin on at least a couple of versions of WP, and at least the last three versions of PHP (prior to each upgrade).
This plugin has performed its function most of the time; not all of the time.
But we have never upgraded, until we have run a test through to completion, to identify which plugins are not up to compatibility.
If it were not for this plugin, we would probably be back at PHP5.6.
Also, a number of the plugins we use that showed incompatibilities have updated after being notified (may not be directly due to notification).
The times when plugin scans have gone awry, is usually related to our shared server, getting loaded by other sites on the same share. We have made some suggestion topics for improvements to the “reporting of progress during a scan”, which (reportings) would be quite useful in your type of situation.
1) Christian Zagarskas (@thezman), can you try to supply a bit more information about how the failure takes place?
2) Jason Stallings (@octalmage), is it possible to have the plugin collect some information on the progress of the scan, and maybe server state during the scan (optionally set to be permitted by the user), so this information can be sent back to the plugin author, on completion of scans that took longer than usual, and on scans that did not complete.
Additional – this information might be made optionally viewable to the user by choosing a “detailed view” for the scan, or “progress indication” for briefer information.