• Downloaded the plug-in, everything seemed great and easy to understand. Their instructions were very clear… EXCEPT the fact that you are limited on how much data you can transfer. More than 512 Mb? Pay $70. So you do that, you pay the fee, because let’s be real, the plug-in, along with it’s reviews, seems great. And it was. I understand paying for something that makes life easier. I just wish it was a little more clear up front. There aren’t really alot of migration plug-ins available with good reviews, so I don’t think it would hurt any to have it be clearer that you will more than likely have to pay if you are doing a migration. And judging from the reviews, it seems like a lot of others feel the same way.

    Now, let’s say you pay, you download your website and you’re ready to import it into your other website. Oh, wait! Now you have to pay another $99 to use most of the options available. Unreal. At this point, I already paid $70, I felt like my website was being held hostage. Thankfully, right before I clicked buy now since at this point I was at a loss, I saw where I could recover from a backup. So I FTP’d the date to my new website through an FTP client and restored from backup. Phew! Thank goodness I didn’t have to pay anything more over the $70.

    UPDATE: I did my review too quickly. I migrated my blog over to my website. It’s taken nearly 3 weeks for this process to work to understand how to export, download, FTP to the server and recover. I’ve had to export/download a few times now in that process. Finally today the website recovers…. However, no blog posts and no media files from my migrated blog? Why on earth did it take so long for it to recover a 25GB file if it didn’t even bring in my blog posts? That’s all I exported because during the export I told it NOT to export plug-ins, themes, or anything else except for posts and media files.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by steffenharris. Reason: NO Media files
  • The topic ‘Great once you get the hang of it and realize it’s not a free app’ is closed to new replies.