• This plugin is light and simple, which means it’s light and simple (not many options in the plugin admin). I simply wanted to center my share icons at the bottom of each post, mess with the padding a bit, and make sure the background of the container matched my website. I know very little about code so while this worked, it could probably be expressed in a better/proper form.

    Obviously, save this file before you change it (either through ftp or through your host dashboard, etc).In WordPress admin go to the plugin editor, selected ssbl, and open the file “simple-share-buttons-light/simple-share-buttons-light.php” and find “FRONTEND HOOKS” and find “$output=”….”;

    In between the “..” you can style your buttons container, background, button size, whatever. I made the buttons smaller, centered them, and added a transition and opacity effect on hover. So there is some flexibility if you tinker around a bit and it is pretty painless. And again for the experts here, this is probably expressed incorrectly, but it seems so work nicely:

    // add ssbl css
        function hook_css()
        	$output="<style>.ssbl-wrap{margin-top:90px; margin-bottom:90px; text-align:center;background:#fafafa;} .ssbl-container{background:#fafafa;} .ssbl-img{background:#fafafa;width:32px;height:32px;padding:0 6px 0 6px;border:0;box-shadow:0;display:inline;-webkit-transition: opacity .3s ease-in-out;-moz-transition: opacity .3s ease-in-out;-ms-transition: opacity .3s ease-in-out;-o-transition:opacity .3s ease-in-out;transition: opacity .3s ease-in-out;}.ssbl-wrap a:hover,.ssbl-wrap a:active {zoom: 1;filter: alpha(opacity=40);opacity: 0.4;}</style>";
        	echo $output;
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  • Thread Starter smkinney


    I’m sure this is simple, but it would be nice to alter the title/alt text in the button text on hover. For instance the on hover the FB button simply states “Facebook”, but I would like to alter it so it states something to the effect….”Thank you for sharing this post on Facebook”. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    Hello smkinney,

    I am not too sure if all you wanted to do is changing the CSS, and if you had something special in mind with the code as creating a plugin from it or the like.

    If not, if it not the best choice to change files of the plugin directly, because your changes will be gone with the next update. You can simply put the CSS in your child-theme, or if you don’t have one and/or don’t want one, it is for sure still a better idea to install a plugin as https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/simple-custom-css/ to get some custom CSS into your theme. Also most modern themes have their own custom CSS area somewhere.

    I was amazed finding your post after I spontaneously did similar if not even to say nearly the same tweaks as you. Yours are nevertheless even more sophisiticated and I will try them out now as well.

    Actually I would like to suggest David to have a look at these ideas, especially the top-margin is a must I’d say, you can see the difference in the before/after screenshots in my blog post. In my code the -web-kit… prefixes are missing as I see now, will complete them later.

    Thanks David for another wonderful plugin. I already used and loved the SSB Adder, but now I switch to Light as standard, since for me it does all I need.

    Edit: Zoom doesn’t do anything here, but I took over the transition. And found out that opacity is meanwhile prefix-less in modern browsers according to caniuse.com One worry less ??

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