Hi @houssenmoshine,
First of all, I’m sorry for the late reply, but I received no email notification about your latest post.
I’ll take a closer look at these issues and reply back. Your feedback is much appreciated!
Since this review system is not the right place for support and troubleshooting, can we please move this discussion to the Github issue tracker?
Some questions:
– What is the document type of your HTML pages? The HTML output of CC-Configurator is now compatible with HTML 5. Previous versions of the plugin generated HTML code exactly as generated by the online tools of the Creative Commons web site. But, that code did not validate as HTML 5. So, since HTML 5 has become standard practice these days, I decided to move forward and change it.
– What validator service do you use?
I’ll need to do some research about the ‘amp-custom’ class.
Kind Regards,