Great potential but doesn’t work properly under WP 4.7.2
This looked like everything I was after, a simple community based event calendar with user event submission, unfortunately with WP 4.7.2 there are a number of issues.
- The events page comes up with a title of ‘Archive’ and this can’t be changed. See next point
- Using the ‘Add to Menu’ function adds an events link to your menu but no page is created, meaning you can’t customise the events page like add supporting text/images, change the page name etc. Using a shortcode in a standard page would be consistent with other plugin setup processes and allow customisation.
- The events page comes up blank, no title or anything, unless an event has been created. This gives the impression the plugin doesn’t work at all.
- The google map intergration isn’t working, the address is found but the map is not displayed.
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