• This is a great plugin! With great potential – as the Users Ultra developers are constantly improving and developing new features!

    I could initially not get it to work on my hosted site. So I installed WordPress locally on my Mac and installed plugin. Worked without any issues. After re-installing WordPress on my hosted site – plugin works!

    I initially rated this plugin 3 stars, but will now give it 5!


    1. It is free
    2. Support is quick – and personal. Not like some other commercial ventures where support can take days.
    3. The fact that the developers want input from users to improve/add features means that we (the users) can have a say in what features we want to see in the future.

    I have no personal gain in my review, I just want to be fair – the previous installation issues were not related to the plugin itself, and I got support very fast.

    Notice: All comments below were given for the initial issues I had.

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  • Hi @JTLarson ,

    We are happy you have chosen to take a look at our plugin. We understand that someone with limited knowledge of WordPress in general may have some difficulty in setting things up. We do (in our FAQ’s here) have a link to our support forums. We are generally pretty quick at responding and we are more than happy to assist where we can. We all had to start somewhere and that is why we are interested in helping those who have such difficulties.

    If you take a look around at our support here and on our support site, as well as the other reviews, you might find that people are very happy with our support. Give us a try there.

    “Some other notes:”

    1. Thank you so much for calling attention to that error on the homepage of Users Ultra. We have fixed that “Buy Now” button. It now says “GET IT HERE FREE” and links to the WordPress page.

    2. We are fixing the spelling errors right now.

    Several plugins for WordPress are using shortcodes more because they reduce the load on server resources. They reduce calls to the database. So, we offer many options. Getting familiar with those options can be strange at first. And we understand that.

    If you go to our support site, we will be very happy to assist with those as well.

    If you find something that you think might be a bug, we have a section where we address those in our support forums.

    If you have suggestions, we also have a section on our forums where you can submit those suggestions. We will be happy to see what you would like.

    For the sake of simplicity, here is a link to our support forums. https://usersultra.com/support/

    Welcome to the WordPress community and welcome to Users Ultra plugin. Thanks for sharing your views.

    Thread Starter JTLarsen


    Thank you .07 for the swift response!

    I have dabbled with HTML and CSS before, so I can appreciate the efficiency of using shortcodes…

    I am very excited about this plugin, so I am not giving up!

    Feel free to let us know if there is something we can assist with. We are excited about the plugin as well. (we should be right?) LOL

    We will be happy if we can assist.

    Hi @jtlarsen,

    We are very happy you got things sorted. And we do definitely appreciate such a nice review. Thank you.

    One of our goals is to provide a Users plugin that does what it does well, and for it to do what Users tell us they want a plugin like this one to do.

    We like hearing what Users have to say and what they suggest. We have some great things planned for this plugin. We are working to implement suggestions offered by our Users on our forums site as well as making sure any bugs that show up are dealt with as soon as they can be.

    We intend to be found worthy of the words you shared.

    Thanks again. ??

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