Hi Eric,
Thank you for your reply….we thought we’d get back to you until after our walk was over to see what comments and feedback we receive from our users.
Here are the things people commonly asked for and things we noted:
-As a campaign creator either notify the team of what donations they received (as administrators we knew but as a campaign creator there was no way to see.) Our suggestion would be to either show donor names in a scrolling list or below (on each campaign).
-a thermometer on each page, and main page (more easily accessible)
-At some point, we had about 70 donations not go through, maybe having a way to be notified of a donation error
-As a campaign creator peopled wished for more obvious navigation when creating your page (preview, submit, etc) especially an easier way to access pages once the campaign was created to make changes
-On the main page- having the campaigns evenly stacked up, a uniform formatting. Our list would stack four verticle but across would fill them in randomly.
-as an administrator to easily export user information, campaigns created, and goals
-hoped we could link our Constant Contact account to the page to collect donor info
Overall, we really liked having our website be built and maintained internally and loved what the administrator view allowed us to do and data collected. Charitable is a very powerful tool and gave us so many options for where we can take our online fundraising.
Thank you for all your support through out the process, Eric – you were awesome!