I had just migrated my site to new web hosting and was dealing with the myriad issues that accompany that. Every single page I went to had a big “Hey, looks like you’ve using out theme….” I clicked not now, I already did, and okay. It would not go away. It would just show back up with every page refresh. At one point I was ready to rip out your theme and start over, Which wouldn’t have been a big deal as the site is mostly built with Elementor Pro. However, Astra is a really nice home for EP; I even switched to it from OceanWP and was very glad I did.
You really need to rethink your solicitation of review strategy. It should not be on page. I would suggest limiting it to the Astra settings page.
There is nothing more frustrating than being constantly interrupted when you are trying to get something done.
Just one opinion, take it for what it’s worth.