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  • Despite the link in the footer that says it is a “Baja Creation”… it is just a stolen theme from here:

    it is just a stolen theme

    Good catch. I just compared style sheets and they’re identical except for one minor adjustment to the header. Don’t ya just people who STEAL the work of others and pass it off as their own?

    Who claims there this theme is done by Baja Creations?? I just got a mail “pointing” that out. There is nobody claiming that.

    sure there is, right at the top of the style.css

    Theme Name: La Paz Mexico Theme
    Description: A magazine-style layout for La Paz BCS
    Version: 1.02
    Editor: Paceno
    Editor URI:

    Not that I care, but dont be all “i dunno” about it.

    Well if you tweak a theme don’t you edit the files ?? I guess someone writing a theme is an author and someone editing it is a editor. So not that I care – on top it is published also when changed: what is used and from who.

    Blockwart mentality – nice to see…..

    There is not really something like “editor of a theme”.
    There is author… and there is thief.

    A reference to the original (called Mimbo and not Mambo, btw!) left in the stylesheet would have been nice. Nicer.

    And there weren’t really that “heavy modifications” if anyone can recognize it just by looking at it…

    Rudolf: i will correct that instantly so you sleep in peace and add appropriate in the style sheet.

    Changing the header from 650px to 500px while the rest of the style sheet IS IDENTICAL is tweaking a theme? Yeah whatever.

    Don’t you see? They are McDonald’s and we are McDowell’s. They have the golden “arches” and we have the golden “arcs”.
    It’s not the same.

    Cleo McDowell – Coming to America

    Just add a line in the style sheet that says who the original designer was.

    Of course a theme changes once the person editing it makes changes. So they should be allowed to re-name the theme, but the theme was build around an original design, so they should get credit for your inspiration, since they inspired you to build on their design and change the theme.

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