we had the same issue using this plugin but it can be reproduced only when on slow internet connection. The reason is that this plugin assumes that reCaptcha API will be loaded in 200ms. The fix has to be added to the plugin code, so hopefully plugin author will find this thread and implement it in the next release.
Meanwhile to hotfix the issue, replace the content of this file:
With the following code:
// Compare version number
function isNewerVersion (oldVer, newVer) {
const oldParts = oldVer.split('.')
const newParts = newVer.split('.')
for (var i = 0; i < newParts.length; i++) {
const a = ~~newParts[i] // parse int
const b = ~~oldParts[i] // parse int
if (a > b) return true
if (a < b) return false
return false
// EDIT: Google reCaptcha async loading
if(typeof grecaptcha === 'undefined') {
grecaptcha = {};
grecaptcha.ready = function(cb){
if(typeof grecaptcha.render === 'undefined') {
const c = '___grecaptcha_cfg';
window[c] = window[c] || {};
(window[c]['fns'] = window[c]['fns']||[]).push(cb);
} else {
// Main reCaptcha event
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var captchaLoaded = false;
$( document ).ready(function() {
//Load reCAPTCHA script when CF7 form field is focussed
$('.wpcf7-form input').on('focus', function() {
// If we have loaded script once already, exit.
if (captchaLoaded)
// Variable Intialization
console.log('========= reCAPTCHA script loading ========');
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var recaptchaScript = document.createElement('script');
var cf7script = document.createElement('script');
// Add the recaptcha site key here.
// console.log('KEY: ' + wpcf7_recaptcha.sitekey);
// Dynamically add Recaptcha Script
recaptchaScript.type = 'text/javascript';
recaptchaScript.src = 'https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/api.js?render=' + wpcf7_recaptcha.sitekey + '&ver=3.0';
// Dynamically add CF7 script
cf7script.type = 'text/javascript';
if(isNewerVersion('5.1.9', wpcf7_recaptcha.version)) {
// console.log('cf7 newer version');
// EDIT: Defer addEventsAndStuff function after grecaptcha is ready
cf7script.text = "let addEventsAndStuff = (t) => { var e; wpcf7_recaptcha = { ...null !== (e = wpcf7_recaptcha) && void 0 !== e ? e : {} }; const c = wpcf7_recaptcha.sitekey, { homepage: n, contactform: a } = wpcf7_recaptcha.actions, o = t => { const { action: e, func: n, params: a } = t; grecaptcha.execute(c, { action: e }).then((t => { const c = new CustomEvent(\"wpcf7grecaptchaexecuted\", { detail: { action: e, token: t } }); document.dispatchEvent(c) })).then((() => { \"function\" == typeof n && n(...a) })).catch((t => console.error(t))) }; if (grecaptcha.ready((() => { o({ action: n }) })), document.addEventListener(\"change\", (t => { o({ action: a }) })), \"undefined\" != typeof wpcf7 && \"function\" == typeof wpcf7.submit) { const t = wpcf7.submit; wpcf7.submit = function(e) { let c = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; o({ action: a, func: t, params: [e, c] }) } } document.addEventListener(\"wpcf7grecaptchaexecuted\", (t => { console.log(); const e = document.querySelectorAll(\'form.wpcf7-form input[name=\"_wpcf7_recaptcha_response\"]\'); for (let c = 0; c < e.length; c++) e[c].setAttribute(\"value\", t.detail.token) })) };grecaptcha.ready(addEventsAndStuff);";
else {
// console.log('cf7 older version');
cf7script.text = "!function(t,e){var n={execute:function(e){t.execute(\""+wpcf7_recaptcha.sitekey+"\",{action:e}).then(function(e){for(var t=document.getElementsByTagName(\"form\"),n=0;n<t.length;n++)for(var c=t[n].getElementsByTagName(\"input\"),a=0;a<c.length;a++){var o=c[a];if(\"g-recaptcha-response\"===o.getAttribute(\"name\")){o.setAttribute(\"value\",e);break}}})},executeOnHomepage:function(){n.execute(e.homepage)},executeOnContactform:function(){n.execute(e.contactform)}};t.ready(n.executeOnHomepage),document.addEventListener(\"change\",n.executeOnContactform,!1),document.addEventListener(\"wpcf7submit\",n.executeOnHomepage,!1)}(grecaptcha,{homepage:\"homepage\",contactform:\"contactform\"});";
// Add Recaptcha Script
// Add CF7 Script AFTER Recaptcha. Timeout ensures the loading sequence.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200);
//Set flag to only load once
captchaLoaded = true;
There is an additional check for existence of grecaptcha API and deferred loading of events.
This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by