• Resolved adnanleo


    This grey color is coming in side bar when there is no item in the list i.e. i put navigation of pages and when there is no child or sibling of any page this empty grey box is coming which is not looking good, solution?


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  • just take off the sidebar, set your page to full width

    Thread Starter adnanleo


    its not the solution


    For this remove or delete any other widget in sidebar widget section. then check your website.

    any confusion let me know


    Thread Starter adnanleo


    There is only one widget in my case
    I think this is because of this code in side bar, it is using this div and class in any case if the sidebar is active

    <?php if( is_active_sidebar(‘sidebar-primary’) ) : ?>
    <div class=”sidebar-section-right”>
    <?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘sidebar-primary’) ) : ?>
    <?php endif;?>
    <?php endif; ?>


    Kindly confirm your issue resolved or not.


    Thread Starter adnanleo


    my issue is not resolved yet


    Please share your website URL


    Thread Starter adnanleo


    hi , it is not live yet


    For this use below code in custom css Filed (Theme Dashboard >> appearance >> customize >> header setting >> custom css Filed)

    display: none !important;

    Then save and Check your website.


    Thread Starter adnanleo


    it cleared the whole sidebar including color, this is not what i wanted, i want to remove the color where navigation is not displayed or there is no child in the pages


    Kindly Elaborate more issue clearly, bcoz its working fine our end,


    Theme Author webriti



    Kindly check the version of theme you are using.

    In the latest version 2.4.8 there is no grey box when no widget is added and also the layout becomes full-width.

    If that din’t resolved than kindly tell me the name of all the classes loading in the body tag of the page html.


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