It will be very welcomed.
I was trying to use some code I found somewhere, but it did not work. If you could add this in the future edition it will be very helpful, as some marketplaces, like Woocommerce Product vendors do not allow vendors add shipping classes.
function generate_packages( $packages ) {
if( get_option( 'multi_packages_enabled' ) ) {
// Reset the packages
$packages = array();
$vendor_items_map = array();
$cart_items = WC()->cart->get_cart();
foreach ( $cart_items as $item ) {
$product_id = $item['product_id'];
$vendors = get_product_vendors( $product_id );
if ( $item['data']->needs_shipping() ) {
if($vendors) {
foreach( $vendors as $vendor ) {
// Expecting/assuming there is only one Vendor assigned per product. Hm.
$vendor_items_map[$vendor->ID][] = $item;
// No product vendor associated with item.
else {
$vendor_items_map['0'][] = $item;
foreach($vendor_items_map as $key => $vendor_items) {
$packages[] = array(
//'ship_via' => array( 'flat_rate' ),
'contents' => $vendor_items,
'contents_cost' => array_sum( wp_list_pluck( $vendor_items, 'line_total' ) ),
'applied_coupons' => WC()->cart->applied_coupons,
'destination' => array(
'country' => WC()->customer->get_shipping_country(),
'state' => WC()->customer->get_shipping_state(),
'postcode' => WC()->customer->get_shipping_postcode(),
'city' => WC()->customer->get_shipping_city(),
'address' => WC()->customer->get_shipping_address(),
'address_2' => WC()->customer->get_shipping_address_2()
return $packages;