I am not good in that. i will try.
Part of the user profile is a place holder for group bundle delivery location (bundle group delivery site) short GS (group site).
User can select from a registered existing GS.
GS is registered with an official contract/partnership after a specific user application (this is manual). PS: No money exists for the development of an expensive solution. I am committed to building it in the opensource without funds .. very utopian, LoL (till now)
GS Users bundle a pre-order. GS-admin can release and push further to delivery when a threshold of total value limit reached (a matter of the contract).
eShop admin will get the order.
Cagette.net has built a whole OS solution. But i have a different social business scenario.
i want immigrants living in the west (and solidarity networks) to support their homeland products (local productive marginalized communities) by placing a bulk-orders to
1. minimize costs (ecological or financial) or any possible middle man activity
2. Homeland product becomes a social connection
If u are interested in the solution, pls let me know.I can present it to u.
You can check albaydar.earth Gdoc
There are a main telegram group and whole collab ecology ..