I had taken the time previously to go through each file assuming it was an issue with files on the first broken site. Nothing worked to resolve the issue with excluding files. I even turned off both minification and group so I could get a complete list of JS files and added EVERY file to the exclude list, and then turned back on minification and grouping. The error still occurred and broke the JS on the site. Even when ALL files are excluded a new JS file is created by Breeze and this file breaks everything.
This is not an isolated random site. I have MANY (read 20+) sites with all different plugin sets and functionality. Some have WooCommerce, some have Elementor, some have Divi, the list goes on and on. The main plugin in common is Breeze.
Here are some of the plugins found on my sites, and while not a complete list, this is the most common. I did also try turning off groups of plugins, and still had problems.
Compress JPEG & PNG images
Elementor Pro
Enable Media Replace
GP Premium
MainWP Child
UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore
Wordfence Security
I have also tried using 2 different MySql versions (MariaDB) and both PHP 5.6 and 7.3. No change in behavior. The problem happens regardless of using Apache or Apache/NGinx. All other plugins are 100% up to date, and WordPress is fully up to date. This also happens on different server types and base setups, with some sites on DO with NO CloudWays connection, others with Vultr on CloudWays. Still others running a simple LAMP setup.