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  • Anonymous User


    <meta name="description" abstract\="" content="<meta name=\" news;="" interviews;="" reviews;="" and="" tattoos="" for="" all="" genres\=""><meta name="\&quot;alexa\&quot;" content="\&quot;100\&quot;"><meta name="keywords" pagerank?\="" content="<meta name=\"></head><body>" />
     " />

    is in your header, now that is either caused by a plugin, or your theme. I’m guessing it is trying to extract tags and failing.

    Thread Starter lehnerc


    Thanks for the input. I tried removing all meta tags and the issue was still there. Any other ideas? I can post the header.php if it will help. Thanks again!

    Anonymous User


    well the issue as you say is still there, have you tried deactivating all plugins? does that fix it? if not then it would be in the theme.

    Well, when checking his website it looks all ok now.

    Similar problem here

    I don’t know what I did, but there is some erroneous code appearing in the top left hand corner of every page of my blog.

    Kristi @ Pro-Soil,

    Open your theme’s header.php, look for:
    <meta name="author" content="..." />

    What did you put in “…”?

    Anonymous User


    @robin, no the issue is still there, but it is black text on a black background, so can’t be seen easily.

    and both look to have similar issues – do you have an seo plugin installed? or anything that might add things to the header.

    Zeo, Thank you so much for replying.

    This is what I’ve got in the header.php

    <meta name="author" content="<?php list_authors(); ?>"/>
    <meta name="description" content="<?php bloginfo('description'); ?>" />
    <meta name="keywords" content="" />

    What do you think?


    I found this in the source code displayed online…but I’m not sure where to find it in word press files …

    <meta name="author" content="<li><a href="" title="Posts by From Around the Web">From Around the Web</a></li><li><a href="" title="Posts by Kristi">Kristi</a></li>"/>

    How do you you delete these posts when you make a mistake?
    OMGosh, I’m really not an idiot, I promise. LOL

    Kristi @ Pro-Soil,

    header.php, replace:
    <meta name="author" content="<?php list_authors(); ?>"/>


    <meta name="author" content="<?php wp_list_authors('html=0'); ?>" />

    YAYYY!!! Thank you Zeo. If I can return the favor somehow, please let me know ??


    Anonymous User


    well done Zeo, hopefully the same fix will help the original poster.

    Thread Starter lehnerc


    I had some weird code in one of my meta plugins that was causing the error. Thanks for all of the replies and help!

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