• Okay,
    So I’ve seen most of your sites and I can definitely say that our politics do not mesh with most that I’ve seen. But I have to say: I still love your site designs a lot. ?? You guys have some really nice work out there.
    So, like Jay Reding, I’m on the Right of the spectrum and here’s my site for review:
    Please don’t rip up my politics – I won’t do that to you here either. ?? Just look at the design. I moved from MT to WP recently, as some may have seen me post on this board about how to set things up. Anyway, let me know what you think. I took one of the 3 column skins and completely restructured it by hand using mostly Quanta Plus BE on KDE.
    Hope you like the site. ??
    P.S. Seems like a ton of people have moved from MT to WP recently. I hope this brings a really strong community here to make WP grow even stronger.

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  • You’re worried peoiple may not like your politics? EEeeeeeeeek. YOU USE TABLES. It needs a lot of remisconfiguration. IMHO. Welcome to WordPress.

    Thread Starter banagor


    I used a table at the top but I don’t really remember using more than that. But maybe I did – not really sure. ?? I’ll have to check.
    What’s wrong with tables though? They’re easy to fit in some situations.
    Kind of like “gotos” in coding. I dig “gotos”. ??
    So tear it apart…what do I need to fix? It looks fine in Konqueror, Firefox, and IE. I can’t check on a Mac though. What are you using? It looks all the same in all 3 browsers for me, however.

    Well it would do wouldn’t it ??

    Thread Starter banagor


    I don’t know, man…one table isn’t so bad. ??
    It’s a nice and quaint way of saying “I hand-coded this. I got lazy. I’m old enough to remember using tables in a flash. I’m making my stand. Leave me alone.” ??
    So tell me what you think of the rest though. ??

    I love that Michael Jackson thing, that’s hilarious!

    The template for the CSS positioning seems to be holding up.

    Thread Starter banagor


    Thanks Pibby! ?? Check your inbox.
    Root: Thanks. Yeah it seems to work fine. I think only the top layer has a table to split it easily into 3 parts. I just didn’t feel like coding up 3 divs just for that. It would have been a tad excessive and overdone with the divs. At least, it seemed a good enough solution at 1am. But it looks fine to me which is good enough.
    By the way, I checked on the development page and apparently 1.2 does have a URI Trackback bug because 1.3 is slated to work with all URI Trackbacks. I checked further and there was a post about how only URIs with (or without – I can’t remember) an =? happen to work. The URI Trackback I ran yesterday didn’t work and that might have been the problem. Apparently 1.3 is going to fix all that so we’ll see. As I said though, it isn’t exactly a huge deal for me. ??
    Overall, I have to say that I’m really impressed with WP. It is better than MT for many reasons. And the fact that it’s a dynamic instead of a static site really makes me happy.
    I did check out b2evolution and I have to say that it’s a little confusing with the multi-blog and main blog thing. Maybe it’s a nice option but they have very few help files. Their GUI is very nicely done though (nice graphics and friendly looking). But WP’s simplicity speaks volumes as well.

    Well I am glad you removed the design credits from the CSS. I would not want folk to think Trident has tables anywhere near it.

    Thread Starter banagor


    Since I tore it apart completely and moved things around, I didn’t see why I should keep them in there. But I’ll put them back in there if you want. ??
    Notice…I didn’t put my own credits in there either. I just left the top blank. I didn’t feel like explaining that I took a public template and tore it apart and redesigned it to fit my own needs…

    Thread Starter banagor


    Yeah! Trident…so it was yours! ?? I forgot which one I initially used.
    BTW, I didn’t take credit out of the index.php…it isn’t in there in the first place, is it? If I took it out, I’m sorry because I definitely didn’t mean to. I’ll put it back in if you like. ??
    I just essentially kept the 3 divs in the center intact, pulled one up to the top outside of the rap, took the login/register block and moved it to the top, re-wrote most of the CSS settings which I can even remember, put in the table at the top (I know, I know), moved the search to the top as well, took out the header block and replaced it with my own graphic – don’t think I used the header div at all actually but not even sure..I can check.
    Then I added the lines and blogroll and technorati and sitemeter Javascript, added my nice circular logo thing on the right, added my blocks like Email me and all that jazz, added category listing for individual entries or something and moved it to the top on the left instead of having something else there (I forget what)….
    Can’t remember what else. I’d have to look at it later. ??
    In the end I basically only kept the 3 main center divs and tossed everything else out or moved it across the screen. The only thing I really wanted was a 3 column div setup and I figured I’d add the rest (which I did). ??
    Still, even with the tables (you still didn’t tell me why they make you cringe), I made it look nice I think…
    Oh but maybe you mean the CSS file. I DID take out the top comment, but I can put that back in and restructure it. I didn’t mean to do that though since what I did (because I’m bad at CSS) was to make one file my “live” file in Quanta which was blank and one file (the regular CSS file I downloaded) a copy file and I’d just copy/paste one block at a time and mess with it into the “live” file until it was right and then add the next block.
    If you’ve noticed, however, I meant to put that top line back in there as my CSS file still has the “Comment Here” at the top which is obviously a placeholder which was never replaced. ?? So yeah, I’ll put that back in and add to it etc… Sorry I never finished doing that. I was in a hurry to get things working and I forgot to clean up is all.
    Now…why is using a table *so* darned bad?? ??

    Thread Starter banagor


    There we go. Fixed and with a comment to finally associate Trident with tables. ??

    Thanks a bunch ??
    It is true that tables will validate. They are also easy. They also work across browsers. Web standards folk though quite simply will not use them in any circumstances for layouts. They are not in the spirit of web standards or semantic mark up. It is really wierd but once you turn your back on them it forces you to learn how layouts should work . The side effect is that I now find tables utterly incomprehensible. To me the code just looks like a mess. Which it is. I suppose as someone once memorably pointed out it is a religious thing. I am table free.
    As a matter of courtesy Trident carries the design credits for both Dave Shea and Matt in the CSS as it should.

    Tables are bad because they are for amatuers. You have PHP, and CSS are your disposal learn how to use them.

    Tables are bad because they are for amateurs. You have PHP, and CSS at your disposal learn how to use them.

    Tables are good, but only for tabular data.
    Blogs are not tabular, and I’m sure most people would like to think their content is not just ‘data’.

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