• Oh this is badly thought out and thrust upon us like broccoli to a 7 year old.
    Anybody else thinking Public Beta Test?

    Having spent a few hours with Gutenberg, I agree with the plethora of comments that this should be offered as an add-on, not core – or the very least there should be the option to disable it.

    This isn’t just me being grumpy and ‘not liking change’, it’s because it’s about as well thought out as a glass hammer.

    I get the desire for a Content Editor and I get what they’re trying to achieve with the whole blank canvas thing but it’s so stripped bare it just fails. Yes, you can poke and press and work out what’s ending up where but it’s not a streamlined process, it doesn’t improve work flow. It’s just clunky. It can’t compete as a viable alternative to other content editors other than it’s free.
    You get a free toy with a MacDonalds Happy Meal – doesn’t mean it’s worth having.

    I use WP Bakery on some site builds and I often use a mix of this and the classic editor and it’s seamless. It’s so user friendly and so clearly laid out. Gutenberg by comparison is like trying to find your car keys in a blizzard.
    Terrible interface design. Rule number 1 – work backwards from the end user.
    If it’s not user friendly, it’s ultimately worthless.

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  • Gutenberg plus and existing builder is just silly as a concept. I cant see any use case for this making sense. I think if there was more of a listener then a presentation of options, based on current setup it would have helped. But I can see why they are trying to remove terrible builders like divi. WP Bakery is by far the best out there.

    I cant adapt to the comments and the markup in the backend, its so counter productive and to me seems so wrong. Comments etc looks like mystery meat far more than shortcodes imo.

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