• I have run into an error immediately after updating to 4.5. It’s been working well up until now.

    I’ve run the Wizard and included the information below. The error occured when I went into a draft blog post created with Gutenberg and tried to edit it. (Ironically, its a review on Gutenberg!) ??

    The page froze and I couldn ‘t appear to move from the block I first tried to edit. It did let me create new block immediately after by pressing enter. However this block came back as an error and I couldn’t do anything with it or edit anywhere else. I ended up closing out of the page to get away from it (although it has saved the first edit).

    Here’s my wizard results:
    ### WordPress ###

    Version: 4.9.8
    Language: en_US
    Permalink structure: /%postname%/
    Is this site using HTTPS?: Yes
    Can anyone register on this site?: No
    Default comment status: open
    Is this a multisite?: No
    User Count: 2
    Communication with www.ads-software.com: www.ads-software.com is reachable
    Create loopback requests: The loopback request to your site completed successfully.

    ### Installation size ###

    Uploads Directory: 253.98 MB
    Themes Directory: 3.23 MB
    Plugins Directory: 76.62 MB
    Database size: 36.26 MB
    Whole WordPress Directory: 382.12 MB
    Total installation size: 418.37 MB

    ### Drop-ins ###

    advanced-cache.php: Advanced caching plugin.

    ### Active Theme ###

    Name: GeneratePress
    Version: 2.2
    Author: Tom Usborne
    Author website: https://tomusborne.com
    Parent theme: Not a child theme
    Supported theme features: post-thumbnails, automatic-feed-links, post-formats, woocommerce, title-tag, html5, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, align-wide, editor-color-palette, custom-logo, menus, editor-style, wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider, widgets

    ### Other themes (1) ###

    Twenty Seventeen (twentyseventeen): Version 1.7 by the WordPress team

    ### Active Plugins (24) ###

    Akismet Anti-Spam: Version 4.1 by Automattic
    Autoptimize: Version 2.4.1 by Frank Goossens (futtta)
    Contact Form 7: Version 5.0.5 by Takayuki Miyoshi
    Contact Form 7 – Gutenberg block: Version 1.0.0 by Andrei Lupu
    Contact Form 7 MailChimp Extension: Version 0.4.50 by Renzo Johnson
    Download Monitor: Version 4.1.1 by Never5
    Flamingo: Version 1.9 by Takayuki Miyoshi
    GP Premium: Version 1.7.4 by Tom Usborne
    Gutenberg: Version 4.5.0 by Gutenberg Team
    Health Check & Troubleshooting: Version 1.2.1 by The www.ads-software.com community
    Jetpack by WordPress.com: Version 6.7 by Automattic
    Lightweight Grid Columns: Version 1.0 by Tom Usborne
    Lightweight Social Icons: Version 1.0.1 by Thomas Usborne
    Menu Icons: Version 0.11.2 by ThemeIsle
    Redirection: Version 3.6.3 by John Godley
    Simple CSS: Version 1.1 by Tom Usborne
    VaultPress: Version 1.9.6 by Automattic
    WooCommerce: Version 3.5.1 by Automattic
    WooCommerce Gutenberg Products Block: Version 1.1.2 by Automattic
    WooCommerce Product Add-ons: Version 3.0.3 by WooCommerce
    WP Show Posts: Version 1.1.3 by Tom Usborne
    WP Show Posts Pro: Version 0.5 by Tom Usborne
    WP Super Cache: Version 1.6.4 by Automattic
    Yoast SEO: Version 9.2 by Team Yoast

    ### Media handling ###

    Active editor: WP_Image_Editor_GD
    Imagick Module Version: Imagick not available
    ImageMagick Version: Imagick not available
    GD Version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    Ghostscript Version: Unable to determine if Ghostscript is installed

    ### Server ###

    Server architecture: Linux 2.6.32-896.16.1.lve1.4.54.el6.x86_64 x86_64
    PHP Version: 7.2.12 (Supports 64bit values)
    PHP SAPI: cgi-fcgi
    PHP max input variables: 1000
    PHP time limit: 30
    PHP memory limit: 256M
    Max input time: -1
    Upload max filesize: 128m
    PHP post max size: 128m
    cURL Version: 7.60.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2k
    SUHOSIN installed: No
    Is the Imagick library available: No
    htaccess rules: Your htaccess file only contains core WordPress features

    ### Database ###

    Extension: mysqli
    Server version: 5.5.61-cll-lve
    Client version: 5.5.62
    Database prefix: wp_

    ### WordPress Constants ###

    ABSPATH: /home/sellmyda/tinadubinsky.com/
    WP_HOME: Undefined
    WP_SITEURL: Undefined
    WP_DEBUG: Disabled
    WP_DEBUG_LOG: Disabled
    SCRIPT_DEBUG: Disabled
    WP_CACHE: Enabled
    COMPRESS_CSS: Undefined
    WP_LOCAL_DEV: Undefined

    ### Filesystem Permissions ###

    The main WordPress directory: Writable
    The wp-content directory: Writable
    The uploads directory: Writable
    The plugins directory: Writable
    The themes directory: Writable
    The Must Use Plugins directory: Writable


    This is what came back when I looked at Console for Java (not sure if this is helpful):

    ?v=2.0:6 WebSocket connection to ‘wss://public-api.wordpress.com/pinghub/wpcom/me/newest-note-data’ failed:
    v @ ?v=2.0:6
    ?v=2.0:6 WebSocket connection to ‘wss://public-api.wordpress.com/pinghub/wpcom/me/newest-note-data’ failed:
    v @ ?v=2.0:6
    _ @ ?v=2.0:6
    o @ ?v=2.0:6


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Dubsy. Reason: correct thoughts

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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