• The new Gutenberg block editor is very difficult to use for those of us who have worked with the classic WordPress editor for many years. In addition, some of the features of the classic editor (such as indenting) have been removed with Gutenberg.

    This change demonstrates the height of arrogance on the part of all at WordPress involved in this massive shift. Apparently this was advertised a year before being implemented but I never saw any messages while working on my WordPress sites or received any direct notices in email. This is a shock, and a terrible one at that.

    Even if the Gutenberg block editor is better than the classic editor – which seems highly doubtful from what I’ve seen – the fact that it is essentially stranding a whole generation of folks like me who are part time volunteer website maintainers, not full time paid website developers. We are now faced with dealing with various incompatibility issues because of our old legacy sites developed using the classic editor. Gutenberg is such a drastic change that is should have been launched as a separate product line.

    Very disappointed(!) Will definitely be installing the Classic Editor plugin and I hope that common sense prevails and that WordPress will support it for the next decade at least. If not, I’ll be washing my hands with WordPress and likely opting for another website development tool that is more powerful than Gutenberg and easier to use.

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