@bcworkz I’m talking about breakpoints (based on viewport width, basically) for media queries, basically. For instance, suppose one user wants to move from 50/50 column width at 1167px and another user wants to do so at 1025px. In other words, one user might want to treat viewports of < 1167px as being a “tablet” screen size and others might want to treat viewports of 1025px as being a tablet screen, for the purpose of responsive design.
I have no objection to using a backend page, that’s what I’ve done in the past. I’m a novice when it comes to working with Gutenberg, so I’m mainly asking if Gutenberg has some built-in way, or some way to allow the user to change that within the Gutenberg interface, rather than doing it on the backend.
It would make sense if there was a way to manage that in the Gutenberg > Design/Styles interface, since that is where things like typography and colors are managed.