Gutenberg lazy loading content
I’m trying to add a “lazy” field to the “content” endpoint using “rest_prepare_post”.I do this by adding “rest_prepare_post” filter.
Then I check if “$post->post_content” has gutenberg blocks.
After that I search in the loop all those that have blockName set as “core/image”.
Then I edit the contents of this block.My problem is to put a changed HTML into “content” field, which will be a copy of “content[rendered]”.
Below I insert the code.class EndpointLazyLoading { public function __construct() { add_filter( 'rest_prepare_post', [ $this, 'add_content_lazy_field' ], 1, 3); } public function add_content_lazy_field($response, $post, $request) { if (has_blocks($post->post_content)) { $blocks = parse_blocks($post->post_content); foreach ($blocks as &$block) { if (isset($block['blockName']) && $block['blockName'] === 'core/image') { // some magic with $block['innerContent'][0] and $block['innerHTML'] } } unset($bloc); $response->data['content']['lazy'] = [ 'markup' => post_password_required($post) ? '' : '^^^^^^^^content that i try to add^^^^^^^^', 'protected' => (bool) $post->post_password ]; } } }
I want to see something like this:
GET { "id": 1, (...), "content": { "rendered": "original content", "protected": false, "lazy": { "markup": "original content with changed image block (wp:image block)" } }, (...) }
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