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  • Plugin Author Evan Herman


    Hi apieceofstrange,

    It looks like your announcement titles are using the H2, but the content of your announcements are using <p> tags. But for some reason your <p> tags have a style set where the font is rather large.

    The styles get inherited from your theme, so there may be a font size declaration somewhere (or one may be missing).

    You can quickly and easily tweak this using the following CSS:

    .cd-timeline-content .the-excerpt {
       font-size: 18px;
       font-weight: 200;

    Keep in mind you can tweak the font-size, and font-weight in the code above, as needed.

    Let me know if that helps out!


    Thread Starter apieceofstrange


    I get what you mean but I have no idea why it has suddenly changed, surely a bug in the update? Before this happened the font was the same size as the normal <p> style text on the website, and then suddenly after the update style completely changed.

    I tried your solution but it has just made a bit of a mess of the layout, the titles are overlapping with the content :/

    Thanks for your speedy reply though but I’m still stuck!

    Plugin Author Evan Herman


    I don’t believe that any of the p styles were changed. I don’t even think that there are any styles defined in the plugin itself – as it is meant to inherit the styles from your theme.

    Plugin Author Evan Herman



    I am going to close out this thread due to inactivity. If you still need some help – feel free to re-open this thread and post back here.


    Thread Starter apieceofstrange


    Hey I would say this issue is definitely not resolved…..

    My timeline still looks a complete mess, I tried using the CSS you provided and this made it look even worse as all the announcements started overlapping each other.

    I’m pretty sure this is a bug as nothing on the website has changed apart from updating your plugin, it was also the same time worpress was updated to the latest version.

    Hi… i think my issue may be linked…

    My HTML links no longer work on the actual announcement on the timeline where they did before? They do work when ‘read more’ is clicked and the user is on the actual posts page but i need them to work on the actual timeline. Pls help.


    Plugin Author Evan Herman



    I suggest updating to version 1.2.6, and if the issue is not resolved customize the respective template part that is causing issues (or simply adjust the CSS of your theme):

    Thank you,

    Plugin Author Evan Herman



    I took a second look at your site, and the issue is because you have wrapped out shortcode in an <h1> tag.

    Please remove the <h1> tag from around our shrotcode, and the issue will resolve itself.


    Thread Starter apieceofstrange


    Brilliant! I have removed the H1 tag and that has resolved that issue…..I’m left with one tiny issue though and that is a couple of announcements are overlapping each other…. any ideas? Appreciate your help!

    Plugin Author Evan Herman


    I would recommend reading through #r in the ‘Common Issues’ sticky thread here in the support forums:

    In short, you can either increase the length of your announcements, add a min height to your announcement containers, tweak the CSS or purchase the pro version to initialize and lay things out a little tigher, much like we have on our documentation site:


    Thread Starter apieceofstrange


    I appreciate your help as this is probably a pain for you but even adding the min-height attribute doesn’t help, it makes the announcements higher but they still overlap. I tried using margins and that did not work either (I’m not great with css). I’m at a loss at the moment with this, I can’t get it working at all!

    [ No bumping please. ]

    Plugin Author Evan Herman


    I am not sure. Those are the solutions that have worked for our users. If you need additional help, please considering purchasing the pro version, as your original issue has been resolved.


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