• Did everyone get WordPattern showing up in their dashboard today under the WordPress Development blog?


    Good April Fools Day Joke whoever did it? ha ha!

    But on a serious note. Is it a joke? Or did someone hack into my blog to make it appear their? ??

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  • Yeah they should have done Yahoo thnan flickr i also was supsuos beacuse there was no forum and looked to be no plan of one either


    Forum Admin
    From: cgn, de
    Known languages: de, en, tr

    Re: Scoop: Textpattern and WordPress..

    Important Update: Just in case, someone is still uncertain – We hope you enjoyed our little April Fools Hoax.

    -TextPatterns Forums

    I wish wp’s forums were like theres using a software like punBB or phpBB

    Update: Matt and Dean are great foolers. Its a joke.

    April’s Fools!

    good show WP… yep, I even downloaded it.

    enter content here

    hehehe, doh!

    I did, too. Afterwards I started reading the info about it – and realized I’d been had! Give a group of techies too much time and look at what they do to you! (heh)


    oh yeah – the legalese fine print – funny stuff!

    This side up. Batteries not included. Some assembly required. Shake well before use. Your mileage may vary. Serving suggestion only. Point away from face. Use in a well ventilated area. Excessive use may have a laxative effect. May contain traces of nuts. Blame Mary. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. While stocks last. Discontinue use of WordPattern if itching or swelling occurs. Settling of contents may occur during shipping. Action figures sold separately. Not to be used as a safety device. No animals were harmed in the making of this web site, except the bunny. Accept no substitutes.</quote>

    LoL! Good one! Too bad I didn’t fall for it! =P Anyways, this is getting old quick, and it’s only a day “old”, let’s just get over it already lmao! =D


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