• After 4 years of running my blog with various versions of wordpress I had the unthinkable happen. I was hacked. My blog, a dad blog about raising my son who turned 4 today was hacked (yes, on his birthday) and turned into a porn/malware site. It was truly tragic how someone could be so evil as to turn a dad help site into a porn site.

    I am not sure what the vulnerability was, and I guess if I was not so devistated by the hack job, I could probably figure it out, but I think I am just done. Who wants to fight this continually. I had a site for dads about being a good dad…how innocent and safe does a blog have to be to avoid this kind of action.


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  • you know it could very well have been nothing you did or wrong with your blog security.
    Hacks lately seem to be getting on shared servers through ftp info – so anyone on your server could have messed it up for everyone with crappy security.
    I do feel for you, but this is internet reality now days.
    Contact your host and report this
    Search this site and google for info on cleaning hacked blogs

    I’ve been recommending this plugin a lot here lately, but the exploit scanner plugin is pretty useful for finding any possible exploit points. The WP Security Scanner plugin is pretty useful too…

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