• Gabba2000


    I have just been hacked by Hmei7, and my site is inoperable at the moment. I can access the cpanel. But I am unsure what to do, to get my site back. Any suggestions?

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  • socreative


    My blog has just been hacked by Hmei7 too. It doesnt create “alert” popups instead it redirects the page somehow and displays white snowflakes on a black background. I checked the database and couldnt find anything wrong. htaccess file seems to be intact also.

    Anyone has the same problem?




    Yes, check your header.php file. That is where he put his code on my site. It wasn’t in the database, and I didn’t have any popups or anything either.

    To fix this, just FTP into your site, open up the header.php file (in your theme folder) and if it doesn’t look right, replace it with the correct header.php file.

    (It was very obvious when looking at my header.php file’s code that it had been changed. Hmei7’s email address was at the top of it! And all his flashing, obnoxious code was right under that.)



    Yeah i found it right after i posted here, was looking for recently modified files. How the hell did someone get access to the template’s header.php?

    Does anyone know how they managed to replace the template header.php file? mines just been hacked exactly the same way – I just replaced it with a proper version, upgraded to latest wordpress and installed bulletprooof plugin – fingers crossed!!!

    can anyone please help me, ive also been hacked, for three days now, ive been reading and trying everything i can to fix my blog myself, my host hasnt responded to my plea of help,

    i ended up deleting the blog off, then re installed it and imported a back up i had, only problem is some things are missing, i am now the only user, (i had lots if users/members)
    also my links pages and catogories are missing, i can cope with that but really want to restore my users,

    ive downloaded some programs and extracted 2 different back ups i have, it did uncompress them but i cant see a file with my users in the folder, can anyone help? id really appriciate it
    thanks jane

    @jane_1: It is impolite to interrupt another poster’s thread with a question of your own. Please post your own topic.

    really? im sorry, thought i was on topic, i was hacked by Hmei7 too,which has resulted in my problem, ill try posting a new help request then, regards jane


    This guy hacked the shit out of my website. Luckily it had only just gone live so I was able to restore quite easily by moving it all to a new database… I discovered the reason he was able to hack me was because the passwords in use were extremely easy to crack.

    Lesson Learned: Make sure you set extremely difficult MySQL database passwords and the same goes for WordPress.

    I actually would thank Hmei7 as he alerted me to some pretty weak security in my website.

    All the best.

    I had my WOrdpress site up for less than 1 week when this low-life hacked it. This time, instead of injecting a script into the database, he modified the theme.

    As I was new to wordpress, I had just accepted the default theme of twentyeleven. he replaced the header.php file with a simple ‘hacked by Hmei7’ message. As soon as I deactivated that theme, problem went away.

    I’ve changed the passwords using cPanel and all seems okay. (they were ‘medium’ now they are ‘strong’) But I’ve started backing up everything and am grep’ing through stuff looking for any other hack/backdoor/code that doesn’t belong.

    Some kids should have been disciplined more by their parents.

    Follow the suggestions here to help secure the site.

    Hi all,
    first of all thanks for all the hints solving this problem.
    My highjack notice showed up only on my Home page, not on any of the blog pages. this let me to search for the “home” page for WP.
    I found in: WP-content
    the “home.php” file, which I opened in my C-panel with the Code editor and found the culprit. I deleted the file, and my usual homepage showed up again.
    this allowed me again to log into the WP Dashboard.
    Hope I could be of help.

    Hey everyone

    Thank you for all your informative posts.

    I’ve been able to restore my clients site from a host that had their server attacked yesterday.

    Only the “header.php” file had been touched (I hope!!), as what seems to be the case for most other people; which suggests that this isn’t malicious intent, but just enough to show off to the world what they can do.

    I’ve taken all your good advice and …
    – changed hosting to a more secure server
    – updated the admin and all user account passwords under wp_users
    – looked for other files in all folders that have had Modified Dates the same time as the heder.php mod file date
    – taken a full backup of the site using Robert Plank’s “Backup Creator” and kept that for safe future keeping
    – and in a state of paranoia I updated all WP files, just to be sure
    – and taking this one step further, changing passwords to all my other blogs and online access that use my email account in case they can work out the UN + PW combo for that hacked site and take my life to WordPress Hell…

    And I’m taking steps to install plugins for extra secutiry on my WP site like:
    – Bullet Proof Security
    – WordPress Firewall ( https://www.seoegghead.com/software/downloads/wordpress-firewall.seo )

    Now this has got me thinking … WHY aren’t there some of these basic plugins included in a standard installation of WordPress to ensure that sites aren’t hacked ?

    Now we can’t do too much for the hosting accounts that have vulnerabilities, but if we can make the system itself more secure, wouldn’t that save a bunch of time and complaints ?

    Thanks for being such a great support community ??

    I got one of my sites yesterday hacked. The problem was not on database but on some files. I tryied to restore database one month back but the problem was stull exists . So i done a resore from files 3 days back and everythink was ok.

    i also found https://hmei7.blogspot.gr/

    Sam Lovett Motorcycle Tours


    My website has been hacked by Hmei7 on September 3rd. I have read the posts on this and other forums but still feeling confused. Can anyone help walk me through restoring access to my site? I don’t wish to cause more damage through ignorance!

    My site is hosted by HostPapa.
    I can’t access my wordpress admin.
    I can access my Cpanel.

    I have looked for the code outlined above, using phpMyAdmin but don’t see it.

    Using file manager
    public_html/wp-content/themes/weaver I see the header.php was modified whilst I was away…. the text “hacked by Hmei7”

    Any help appreciated.

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