i get so many fake registrations.
I can provide the ultimate fix for that. I have stopped using deadbolt even since this is so much better.
Im not to sure about it being pluginable though, but if youre game to modifying 1-2 files, it is the show stopper for spam registrations (and I can prove it from my post logs).
And just something along those same lines.. try and find that captcha thing that works on the registration .. isnt there one, wasnt there one??
The spam registrations are scripted and easily thwarted by adding anything to the current registration fields. That or removing/renaming something. You just need to check, on the other side of the form submission that what you asked for was what you received.
Edit: on second glance, it might be 3 files, but done correctly,.. maybe ill write this up, and include some really good commenting.
You might even do most of the work, with the custom fields for registration plugin, if there was one, is there one?? ??