• If you use a WordPress site to run a business, don’t install Gutenberg. I am a semi-savvy WordPress user whose only goal is to have the ability to add simple pages to update our firm’s website. After seeing a lot of hype regarding Gutenberg from WordPress’s emails and notices on our dashboard, I gave it a go. I regret it.

    I updated Yoast and got through the white screen of death. But now I can’t update any of the pre-Gutenberg pages. Gutenberg shoves them into one block which I can change all I want, but no matter how many times I hit “update,” the website never changes. Meaning I can’t add links to new pages I’ve written since and, maddeningly, cannot fix the typo I noticed on a pre-Gutenberg page.

    The blocks look pretty and vertical in the Gutenberg editor, but on the website the text is full-width while images only seem to want to align themselves to the left. This is egardless of what alignment I choose in the editor.

    From what I can tell there is no ability to insert images inline with text or put blocks side by side. Correct me if I’m wrong. Please.

    I can no longer hide the page name. I could in the old editor. But if you try to use the old editor to edit a Gutenberg page, you get a dire warning that all will be lost.

    Above all, WordPress needs to stop hawking Gutenberg until it is out of the alpha stage of development. If there had been a warning that Gutenberg is only for people who enjoy just monkeying around WordPress without an actual business to run, I would never have installed it. Instead, I’ve spent probably four to five hours over the past week not updating the content on my site but fumbling around trying to figure out what’s happening. I also feel stuck in a holding pattern – do I wait on Gutenberg or deactivate and face whatever consequences and re-drafting I might have to do with the old editor? I recently had a bit of success deactivating Gutenberg and using the old visual builder.

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  • While I’m not a fan of Gutenberg as an editor either (and strongly believe it should not go into core), it sounds like many of your problems are down to the way your theme is built and possibly one or two plugin conflicts. I think your best bet is to install Gutenberg on a fresh WP install and give it a go there to see where the issues are in your theme.

    I’ve got no clue how to add images inline with text either with Gutenberg unfortunately – perhaps the plugin dev can shed some light here?

    The only way I know is as follows:

    1. Go to the position where you want to insert the image.
    2. Clic on + on the menu bar (The one on the main toolbar, its only locate here)
    3. Find the group “Inline elements”, open it
    4. Clic on “Inline image”, then proceed as always.

    Please note that you can’t move the image (not yet maybe or I don’t know how…we’ll see), you can delete it and reinsert it at the correct position if you want. However, this block feels half-baked at most.

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