• Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if there is a propper/native way to handle decimals for the focal point picker component ?

    I’am building a simple gutenberg block, requiring precise positionning, with decimals (ex 88.5%) . I could surely handle this with custom fields, but I’m curious to know it if there would be a native way to handle this scenario

       url={coverUrl ?? null}
       onChange={(focalPoint) => {

    I’ve tried using the resolvePoint method mentionned in the doc, which outputs a precise position, but the number with decimals then get rounded when passed to the handleChange function anyway.

    Many thanks in advance for the Help,

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  • mdshak


    I would suggest to manipulate the values of focal point before handleChangeobjectPositionfunction like this way.

       url={coverUrl ?? null}
       onChange={(focalPoint) => {
       const newX = parseFloat(focalPoint.x.toFixed(2));
       const newY = parseFloat(focalPoint.y.toFixed(2));
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