• I have 11 sites all running on the same shared host/server, each running WordPress 3.6.1 and BackupWordPress 2.3.3.

    Each site has a weekly scheduled backup of their database and files.

    Almost every time the scheduled backup runs it just hangs at “Creating Zip archive”. If I cancel and then select “Run Now” it completes without an issue. I say almost, because sometimes the scheduled task completes and sometimes it doesn’t – there’s no pattern.

    I have emailed support (12/09/13 08:32 & 13/09/13 11:54) regarding this issue but haven’t had a response yet.

    Any help to diagnose the issue would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Same situation here since last June…
    and I experienced a “mimbo/timthumb” attack last sunday…
    Without proper backup, restarting clean has been quite a drag.
    I’d be sad to learn that BackupWordpress is. now dead. It’s been a great piece of software for years. I’d be ready to make a nice donation for a working solution with similar functionalities.
    JB, from Paris with love

    Plugin Contributor Paul de Wouters



    could you send an email to [email protected] please

    I too am having the same problem. Looks like it is just running and running like it is hung up. Currently the settings are to run a database backup once a week and daily backup with 10 on the server.

    Was working great before with just daily backups of the files and database. After the server was hit and died, the site was restored but since then no backups are running daily and receiving no emails.

    I really like this plugin so I hope there is a way to fix. Thank you very very much.


    I more or less solved the issue …
    I run WordPress WordPress 3.6.1. My environment is windows 7/fastCGI php (5.4.13).

    I was trying to backup too much data at the same time in a single file. The process (php-cgi.exe) was timing out.

    I could probably have allocated more time to this process, but I preferred to spilt the tasks and it works great !

    My whole WordPress installation is over 6 Go. I splitted the backup in :
    A daily backup of the SQL DB with a 7 days rotation. The DB is over 20 Mo and nicely processed by WPBackup to a zip weighing not much more than 2Mo : compression ratio : 98%
    And one hour later, a daily backup of this year’s sub directory wp-content upload directory.

    My theme/plugins configuration will not change often and the latest WP core will always be available at WP web site and it will probably be a good idea, after the crash, to start from scratch with a clean and up to date install.

    Nevertheless, I keep, somewhere in my archives a version of the latest stable install, which I update manually if I make serious changes, in order to be able to restart quickly.

    I usually have one archive disk per project… and very rarely reopen them, although I have a couple of 20 years old things, still running nicely on my servers…

    My only suggestion for the dev team would be to offer a possibility to define the elements which are backed with an “include” list of files/folder, rather than the actual only “exclude files/folder” scheme, which can be a bit tedious to define if one only wants to backup a specific folder.

    Thanks a lot for taking care, and for the interesting directions you gave me to solve the issue.

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