• rabnots


    So I have been doing some research and found out that adding this code to the functions.php can help with how wordpress compresses images being uploaded.

    add_filter( ‘jpeg_quality’, create_function( ”, ‘return 100;’ ) );

    That code would upload them at 100%. I think wordpress has a default of 80 so bumping that to 100 helped increase the image quality.

    But what I am seeing is the image quality loss seems to be when it is being Hard Cropped. For instance when I upload an image that is 850×610 and then look at the image online after I upload it looks exactly as it did on my computer before I uploaded it… but when I then view the Hard Cropped 770×386 version online there is a considerable blur. So it seems that when a hard crop takes place wordpress may also compress the image by default… so is there a way to turn that hard crop compression off similar to the above code?

    Thanks for your time, hopefully there is a solution.

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