There is, and always has been, free support on the Store Locator Plus Forums
It is nearly impossible for the support team to provide one on one support for individual sites when there are many combinations that effect the function of any site, Other Plug-ins, Themes, versions of WP, jquery, etc. but they try to answer based on the info provided to the best of their ability. They always offer suggestions and provide direction, tools, links to the tutorials, and other assistance.
Support in the forums is always responded to in less than 5 days. Usually within two business days. If a customer requires a technician or developer to log-in to their site as an administrator debugging their specific site within the same day, then any developer would want to be compensated for their time, especially if the issue is outside the SLP plug-in which occurs.
Required patches, security updates, are released every week or as soon as they are confirmed. The SLP plugin is maintained and enhanced to work better,faster, and remain compliant with WP on a regular basis. The SLP INFO and NEWS blog provides useful tools, tips, and notices that an update or fix is available for download.
When questions are asked in forums or by email, the support team requests the user provide their plugin environment. Often the request is reiterated if the poster does not provide the info after numerous requests. This is standard practice and is not intended to sound abrasive.
The CSS restore function issue was investigated and has been patched in SLP base plugin version 4.3.13.