• Hi there
    I’ve noticed that my site has lost the ability to:
    delete plugins
    update plugins
    update WordPress
    delete themes

    I’ve updated WP and PHP and disable themes and plugins and checked the admin rights in phpmyadmin.

    however I’ve noticed that I have an unknown user account that cannot be deleted, I’ve tried via the dashboard and via relevant tables in phpmyadmin. It seems to be rewriting itself back in to the site no matter what I do. Have I been hacked?

    Each time I view the user I get a different message relating to code on the following page, this is the current message
    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/hp3-linc8-nfs2-y/720/2185720/user/htdocs/wp-includes/class-wp-query.php on line 3284

    I’ve done a word fence scan and tried to delete old PHP files that look as if they are preventing verified admins from accessing plugins and themes and other updates, but nothing has worked so far.

    Does this seem like a site hack? if so what is the best way to get the site repaired? is it worth the several hundred dollars to get Wordfence to look at it, or would I just be best going for a fresh instal and rebuild of my site.

    Please help as I”m tearing my hair out here!


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • lisa


    -an unknown user would concern me — especially if you have deleted the user and it continues to reappear.

    -Review this resource for ideas: https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/faq-my-site-was-hacked/

    however I’ve noticed that I have an unknown user account that cannot be deleted, I’ve tried via the dashboard and via relevant tables in phpmyadmin. It seems to be rewriting itself back in to the site no matter what I do. Have I been hacked?

    Yes, definitely.

    if so what is the best way to get the site repaired?

    A full restore (database and site files) from a backup taken before the hack occurred is worth a try, but you would still need to identify and plug the vulnerability, or else it will happen again.

    The standard resource to follow to fix the hack yourself is: https://www.ads-software.com/support/article/faq-my-site-was-hacked/

    is it worth the several hundred dollars to get Wordfence to look at it, or would I just be best going for a fresh instal and rebuild of my site.

    That depends on the value of your time, and how long it would take to rebuild the site. Wordfence are excellent. There are other hack repair services that are more economical.

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter dianapointon


    Thanks for sending this through.

    I have seen this before and have worked through many of the ideas shown. But there some scripting somewhere that keeps re-writing this user into the site, which is worrying. It also seems as if the attack has taken away my ability to update or delete plugins or update WP unless I go via FTP which is time consuming.
    Wordfence keeps stalling too. has anyone used the Wordfence site repair service? Any information as to whether it’s worth the money?


    We checked your website using Sucuri and VirusTotal. No issues, no malware identified.

    No need to spend money at this point.

    Troubleshooting Tips: (in no particular order)

    (1) Is your site self-hosted? If not, have you contacted your host? Usually, they can identify the issue and help at no charge. Why? Because they don’t want any malware or viruses in their own server(s). One thing you can do is ask them to review your database tables and remove the unknown or unwanted user from the affected table(s). Here’s some guidance on what you or they can do.

    (2) Have you tried restoring your site from a backup? (use the last functional backup you remember that did not have the unknown user). If the backup method worked, delete Wordfence (clean all traces), and use iThemes Security instead (free or pro). Not selling anything, just from experience.

    (3) Did you perform a plugin conflict test?

    (4) Does the issue disappear when you deactivate Wordfence? If so, delete it plus the unknown user. Again, we don’t recommend Wordfence. If you choose to use it, perform a clean install.

    (5) After you fix your issue (if caused by the unknown user, obfuscated malware or code, etc.), change ALL passwords associated with your website. Do it immediately after your site is restored.

    Let us know what you learned!

    Hope this helps.



    Click below for issues similar to yours.

    [Note: Grab a cup of coffee or tea for this one.]

    (a) Unknown User in My Account (General)

    (b) Unknown New Subscriber (Wordfence)

    (c) Logins from Unknown User IDs (Wordfence)

    Final Comment:

    If not signed up, consider using a CDN such as Cloudflare for an additional layer of security. Cloudflare stops thousands of hackers / hacking attempts every single second.


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