• We discovered this morning that 86 files had been inserted into our site all of which redirect people to poker and casino sites. We are a business strategy consultancy in the UK!

    This seemed to happen on 1 May and there are now 1000’s of rubbish links to these pages.

    Our ISP are ‘looking into it’ with concrete boots on and I am trying to work out what went wrong.

    Do I have a blog I was asked… yes, a WP blog that I find now doesn’t work and I can’t log into it.

    please help? i want my blog back and I want to prevent this rubbish coming into my site. A web designer set up the WP blog for us 18 months ago and I haven’t upgraded it since – that is what I was trying to do when I found I couldn’t log in.

    Any help greatly appreciated

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  • You’ll have to reset the admin password. Look here for instructions how. As soon as you get done please do upgrade.

    A web designer set up the WP blog for us 18 months ago and I haven’t upgraded it since

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that’s not exactly a good sign.

    There have been countless (too many to count, in fact) upgrades made available since then.

    Honestly, what can you possibly expect anyone to say to that?

    Honestly, what can you possibly expect anyone to say to that?

    The designer may have told them that upgrading wasn’t needed or skipped over that point. Wouldn’t be the first time. I’ve gotten those with my clients when they come over. Not many of them understand the comcept of having to upgrade.

    Virus protect programs are like that as well even though it’s very important to upgrade the sig files.

    thats not really my point.

    She (I’m assuming Kath is a female) asked a fairly ambiguous question. The only semi-concrete thing we know is that she has a very outdated blog installed on the box. We dont know what’s responsible for running the main site. We don’t know what permission settings, we dont even know WHAT was compromised aside from the directory with all the files, and for those we dont have timestamps, etc.. etc.. etc..

    It’s impossible to say for sure what ‘application’ was the root cause without more information, if, in fact, someone needs to blame a piece of software, and not the user(s) of the software.

    Frankly, I would let the host see what they can find out, if anything. And in the future, regardless of what you are using for your site, remember that security doesn’t just “happen”, its proactive.

    Ughhh… again, keep in mind that not everyone is as tech savvy as you are…no need to belittle…please…

    She gave more than enough information to get the idea of what is going on and what happened. At this point I see only two options. 1) Go back to the web designer or hire a new one to fix the situation. Hopefully they can get things back up and going the way they should with little to no loss of post/page data. 2) Log into your hosts site management area, change your FTP login information, create a new database with new login info. Then, log into the FTP for your site and delete everything (after you back up needed files of course). Finally, upload the newest version of WordPress and start it over from scratch. Yeah, its a pain in the patoot, but if all else fails…

    Good Luck!!!

    piss off Kahil, youre out of line (I WAS polite to her and there was nothing said that belittled her). Your sensitivity training class is going a little off the deepend.

    as for YOU..she asked a very specific question:

    Has my site been hacked thru wordpress?

    I missed the part where you are able to determine that based on the information provided in her post. Thank you for proving my point.

    And I was just throwing out an idea about what had occured. Nor was I intending to belittle anyone.

    I host 2900+ paying clients. I could tell you some stories that I’ve heard about their previous hosts.


    she asked if it was hacked. she gave her reasons for believing that it was so. based on that specific info, that there were extra files and links, its valid and easy to assume that yes, she was hacked. I then gave her two possible solutions.

    “Honestly, what can you possibly expect anyone to say to that?”

    That comes off as though you are talking down. It gave no solution or help and was rude.

    Case closed…

    Sorry for the behavior of some of the posters here in this forum redtango88. Hopefully their behavior doesn’t reflect poorly on everyone else. Hope you come back for all your WordPress queries. Good Luck!!

    thats how YOU read it kahil.

    Merely because you spend your posts here talking to people like they all have your same fragile ego, doesnt mean others need to.

    Frankly, what I said was a fair question.Its not about talking down to people, its about being honest. You expect a response to her statement to be what.. sugar coated?

    Lets see, here’s the kahil reply to her stating shes running an 18 month old version of WP and comes here wondering if her site was hacked as a result of that:

    “ohhhh, thats toooo bad, Im soo sorry. what a pain in the patooty. better luck next time!”

    YOU patronize people, and you enable people to be dumb.

    Some people just can’t take a hint…

    Someone, please close this thread. Its gone from a support thread to a flame thread.

    Perhaps we can propose a one-hour cooling off period all around…

    kahil, what, you can dish but cant take similar criticism?

    theres your fragile ego again.

    It became a flame thread when you decided you were able to speak for someone else, for your information.

    its one thing to criticize, its another to attack.

    p.s., my ego is far from fragile.

    again, please close this thread. redtango88, sorry again.

    I see, calling your posts patronizing is attacking you, but calling my reply rude, isnt? I see.



    “piss off Kahil” = attack

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