• We discovered this morning that 86 files had been inserted into our site all of which redirect people to poker and casino sites. We are a business strategy consultancy in the UK!

    This seemed to happen on 1 May and there are now 1000’s of rubbish links to these pages.

    Our ISP are ‘looking into it’ with concrete boots on and I am trying to work out what went wrong.

    Do I have a blog I was asked… yes, a WP blog that I find now doesn’t work and I can’t log into it.

    please help? i want my blog back and I want to prevent this rubbish coming into my site. A web designer set up the WP blog for us 18 months ago and I haven’t upgraded it since – that is what I was trying to do when I found I couldn’t log in.

    Any help greatly appreciated

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  • Hey at least I didn’t start it this time. ??

    I know, I know, here’s the kahil reply to someone that can’t seem to mind their own business: you.

    “oohhhh, immm sorry, I didnt mean to offend you, Im a pain in the patooty, Ill be better, I promise.”

    Thats what the mods are here for kahil, did you know that? Michael, moshu and handy have my e-mail.

    should I let him have the last word? ?? He even had to come back and edit his last post.

    You go ahead, kahil post, I’ll let you have the last word. I had since moved onto other threads anyway. Besides which, Im going out to dinner.

    Thread Starter redtango88


    Oh heck, I didn’t intend to kick off this kind of exchange but I do appreciate all the feedback.

    Our WP blog was set up by a designer 18 months ago who did it all for us and mentioned nothing about upgrades. I can see that some think that is naive on my part and I guess I just have to accept that view. If I knew the answer I wouldn’t have come here asking the question – so now I know.

    I am in the process of doing exactly what you say above to fix this and hopefully all should be well and the hole that the hackers used will be plugged. As it turns uout I also had an old version of Carp on my server was wasn’t being used but hadn’t been deleted or upgraded either.

    I guess i will never know if it was WP or Carp but one or the other seems likley. I obviously won’t make this mistake again and I will come back here for support. So, thanks everyone for all your feedback, much appreciated ??

    You should be glad that there are people like me who don’t know the things that you guys know – it means you will always be in demand!

    Have a good Sunday,


    for the record, I dont think your naive, I think you got bad advice, or no advice at all. But then arguably, if you dont ask …theres nothing to answer.

    I would also prefer to have NO threads on here that start off like yours, trust me – in demand or not. There’s plenty of other things to talk about on here — like the 100 or so per day, “I cant connect to my db” posts.

    Again, and I stress this again and again, effective security is proactive, not reactive. PHP is dynamic, and WordPress is arguably the most popular blogging package on the web so it’s imperative that one either stay up to date via the dashboard (in your admin area) or just by checking in here,



    Lastly, while it’s tempting to put up a site and just “leave it” (not visiting the dashboard, not checking in at the link above), thats NOT a smart thing to do with anything thats PHP based. Thats when you are better off to just hard code plain old HTML pages, and stick to those.

    In a sense, it’s safe to say, that PHP driven sites require a kind of web babysitting. I call that being responsible, other ppl call it having to be tech-savvy. They just happen to be wrong. ??

    Hope that helps ??

    Ouch! Another jab from whooami. Hrmmm… Well, according to you, whatever advice I give in this forum is bad advice. There is nothing wrong with what I suggested. She flat out told us that she didn’t have much experience with WordPress. You can’t “babysit” what you don’t understand. She seemed in need of a fairly quick solution, so what is wrong with suggesting that she either contact the developer who set it up for her or to re-install it all from scratch with a current version after backing up what she needs to keep? Thats right, there is nothing wrong with that advice. But again, according to you, I’m always wrong. Get off your high horse.

    There is no such thing as bad advice, its what you do with it that matters.

    there you go again — and guess what — nothing in my post was directed at YOU.

    for the record, I dont think your naive, I think you got bad advice, or no advice at all…

    I was refering to the person who installed WordPress for her, you overly-sensitive crank.

    Believe it or not, not every post on here has something to do with you.

    wow…you just don’t stop with the attacks now do you? Instead of telling me to piss off, now you’re calling me an “overly-sensitive crank”. Hrmmmm… Isn’t flaming and personal attacks against the forum rules. Hmmmmm…it is in most. Oh well.

    You are, additionally, quite wrong about one thing. There must certainly is such a thing as bad advice. If you need examples, I can certainly provide some.

    I don’t think you do. You are just contrary.

    For the love it all. Someone please just close this thread.

    kahil, do you know what a crank is? I don’t think you do, since I JUST made it up, lacking any other thing coming to my mind.

    hahahhaah. you’re really too much. Go try another thread, kahil, I’m moving on. Ive already caught you being OVERLY sensitive/paranoid/sketchy/whatever you want to call it – by your reaction to a post that had NOTHING to do with you.

    I assure you when I address you, you’ll know it.

    for the love of my patooty

    Again, lets just close this thread.

    address all you want. look it up, crank is a derogatory term.

    I could have done much better, trust me. Im actually being kind since you’re family.

    hahahahahaha… well at least we have one thing in common!!

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