• I installed and tested this plugin and found this plugin to be very limited in functionality and features and was not impressed by the limited number of calendar options available in this plugin. The Login popup that is generated by this plugin and blocked by my Browser concerns me as well.

    My review is not based on anything related to how I personally feel about this plugin author. I definitely dislike this plugin author, but my review and rating is solely based on my opinion of the plugin itself and not the plugin author. I am simply personally not impressed by this calendar plugin and have come across many other calendar plugins that offer much more features and functionality.

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  • Plugin Author George Sexton


    You damn me with your faint praise.

    That’s a nice tit-for-tat for my negative review of your plugin where I pointed out genuine issues in your product.


    Thanks for showing me how things are handled.

    Thread Starter AITpro


    Let’s keep this friendly and fix this by getting on the same page. You blamed BPS for a problem with your server, which is obviously not a fair thing to do. I will gladly help you get you server configured up to current industry standards.

    Now regarding you demo video i will gladly bump up my star rating to a 5 based on your excellent plugin work alone and not base my star rating simply becuase the video demo could have been much clearer/better explained.

    Let me know if this works for you. I prefer to keep this as a simple misunderstanding that can be easily fixed. ??

    Thread Starter AITpro


    Have you considered changing your BPS star rating? Seems only fair since the problem was with your non-industry server configuration and not the
    BPS plugin. BPS assumes that all servers that BPS is installed on are configured with current industry standard server configurations that should be in use during the last 16 years (2000-2016). It would be possible to do a check to see if a server is using non-industry standard configurations, but logically that would not be the smart thing to do. The smart thing to do is to get your server configuration up to date to with current industry standards.

    Thread Starter AITpro


    Also the BPS plugin clearly states that it uses htaccess code in several places: BPS plugin Description, BPS plugin FAQ, etc, which means that if you install the BPS plugin then your server MUST be correctly configured and using a modern/up to date server configuration to use htaccess code. So technically that would mean either you ignored that information or just did not understand that information. I think is another valid point, which you should consider about your choice to give BPS a 1 star rating.

    Plugin Author George Sexton


    On Monday, March 7th, AIT-Pro used the contact form on our web site to send us this message.

    Message: Hello George,

    This is in regards to the 1 star review/rating that you left for the BPS plugin here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/requires-too-many-specific-modules-and-crashes-inexplicably-if-not-present?replies=6

    Typically Plugin Authors work together to resolve any issues/problems and do not just post random 1 star reviews without first trying to work with other Plugin Authors by posting in the plugin’s forum support area. As a fellow Plugin Author I am politely asking you to reconsider your 1 star review/rating of the BPS plugin and either change it to something that is reasonable or request that a WP Moderator delete your 1 star review/rating. You can request that a Review is deleted by a WP Moderator by adding this Tag in your Review: modlook. https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Forum_Administration#The_Modlook_Tag

    I hope you do not take this the wrong way, but out of the basic principle that Plugin Authors should always work together and respect other plugin authors, I feel that I should once again reverse my review of your plugin and make it a 1 star rating again. I am not comfortable with giving your plugin a 5 star review and feel that it would be more beneficial to you in the long run if I give you a 1 star rating simply because you deserve that for not respecting the unspoken rule that Plugin Authors should respect each other. I will reverse my 5 star rating by COB today if this matter is not resolved. Thank for your understanding in this matter.

    Best Regards,

    Edward Alexander

    To which I responded:

    I’ll try to address this and see if we can come to some sort of positive outcome.

    First, I did work with you in the support forum. Essentially, your response was that since I’m running a non-standard deployment of WordPress, it’s not your fault. I can almost see your point of view, but as a plugin vendor, I’m seeing the same thing. In particular, I see that a lot of web-site devs are using local versions of a WordPress engine for development and then publishing their sites out to a hosting company. This undercuts the validity of your argument about a non-standard environment. Lots of people run non-standard environments and I feel they should have fair warning.

    If you re-read my review, you’ll see that I explicitly noted that your plugin incorrectly assessed that mod_access_compat was available when it is actually not. This is a real defect in your plugin which you did not address in your responses.

    If your plugin had simply not worked, I would not have even filed a review. What I cannot accept is that your plugin crashed my installation of WordPress to the point where I had to use a command shell to recover it. While I had the technical expertise to recover this, I think for most users this would have been a giant problem. This is the reason I gave your product the lowest possible rating.

    Second, your behavior of posting a malicious counter-review was reprehensible. You’re basically trying to use a bad review against my product to gain leverage to make me withdraw my negative review. That’s just not appropriate. In essence, you’re bearing false-witness against me, which western religions view as equivalent to murder, adultery and stealing. If you’re not a ten commandment subscriber, feel free to ignore that part.

    Your behavior is also pretty mystifying when you consider that you have 200+ 5 star reviews, and only 9 one star reviews. Since our plugin has only 3 other reviews, your negative review is considerably more damaging to our reputation.

    As far as “plugin vendors working together”, that’s something that I believe in as well. As pointed out above, I worked with you in your support forum. As another example, refer to this message thread:


    You can see in this thread that our plugin was being broken by another. We filed a non-punishing support request (not even a review) and stayed on it until the vendor fixed their plugin.

    As far as you “reversing your 5-star rating” in retaliation, that’s fine. I think that anyone that reviews the message thread on our support forum will be able to determine the issue at hand. In reality, I think your behavior posting a negative review in retaliation really damages your reputation. If I were you, I would delete the negative review of Connect Daily.

    If you would really like me to change my review, it’s pretty simple. Remove the dependency for mod_access_compat. IOW, re-work your plugin to support Apache 2.4 access controls. Apache 2.4 was released 4 years ago. Having a backwards compatibility requirement for a version released four years ago is not justifiable. If you do that, I will re-test your product and if appropriate change my rating.

    I really don’t want a war here. At the same time, I’m not going to withdraw my negative review because of intimidation tactics about “unwritten rules”. If there are “unwritten rules” that support bearing false witness against others, then those rules should be disobeyed because they are immoral. You have four choices:

    1) Ignore the whole situation and move on. This leaves your negative review on my site casting you in a bad light, and me with a negative review. On the whole though, I can live with this.
    2) Withdraw your negative review and move on.
    3) Fix your plugin to not require (or work correctly in the absence of) mod_access_compat. If you do that, I will re-review your product.
    4) Follow through on your threat to change your review of my product to be negative. You should know that if you do follow through with this, I will post this entire message (including your message below) to both of the support threads (the one on your forum, and the one on mine).

    Best Regards,

    Plugin Author George Sexton


    AIT-Pro then responded with:

    Ah ok yeah, I thought something that might be going on. Since you are new plugin author then the whole logical flow of plugin support and troubleshooting is probably not routine to you yet. You should create a plugin support thread in the plugin support area first and then after that if you are not happy about things then you would post a review/rating. Let’s say a user posts a 1 star rating for your plugin without giving you a chance to respond or try to figure out the problem (trust me this will happen somewhere along the way and probably many times). Basically the WP Review/Rating system is more a curse than a blessing, which will find out over time.

    The most important thing for me is the BPS Pro premium/paid plugin is my primary source of income so 1 star ratings/reviews for the BPS free plugin hurt my business and income. I see that you also have a premium/paid version of your plugin so bad reviews/ratings for your free plugin will affect sales for your premium/paid version and you will lose those sales so it is in your best interest to do your best at supporting your free plugin. I work overtime to make sure BPS free plugin users get their problems solved and more importantly so they do not hurt my business by leaving bad reviews/ratings.

    Anyway since both of us want the same thing (more sales/customers and a good reputation) in the big picture then the smartest thing to do for both of our best interests is just to resolve the silly issue of the star rating thing.

    Personally I feel like us plugin authors need to stick together since it is hard enough dealing with crazy users. Ha ha ha.

    So in summary without responding to anything else in your email I would just like to resolve this for both or our best interests and definitely do not want to hurt your chances of getting customers/sales for your paid/premium version of your plugin. Make sense to you?


    Followed by:

    Too funny I should have tested your plugin first and not said anything else and rated it 1 star because your plugin sucks to me. My rating/review will be a 1 star based on that alone and nothing else. So this is the new review/rating that I will be posting in a little, unless of course you want to work something out.

    1 star rating/review that will be posted shortly:

    Thread Title: Very limited and the settings are not intuitive

    Thread Content: I found this plugin very limited in functionality and was not impressed by the limited number of calendar options available in this plugin. The Login popup that is generated by this plugin and blocked by my Browser concerns me as well. My review is not based on anything related to how I personally feel about this plugin author. I definitely dislike this plugin author, but my review and rating is solely based on my opinion of the plugin itself. I am personally not impressed by this calendar plugin.

    Thread Starter AITpro


    hmm yeah I definitely still dislike you. Whatever man. Good luck.

    Plugin Author George Sexton


    Which I responded with:

    Great. I’ll ask for a moderator review. With the information and blatant extortion attempts to change my review of your product, it’s my belief they’ll just delete your negative review and any future ones.

    AIT-Pro then responded with:

    Nope you are wrong. The moderators try to stay out of it completely so they will do nothing and you will end up annoying them. How do I know that? BPS has been around for 6 years and the scenario you think is going to happen is an experience that I have already had – the moderators will do nothing.

    I find it hard to believe you would be willing to risk lost sales over this??? In the big picture since you have a premium/paid plugin then you will end up losing sales and customers over this stupid thing. Are you sure that is what you want? I am not doing an extortion tactic or trying force you to do anything except for seeing the logic of your horrible choice on this. You are letting your Ego get the better of you instead of thinking about the big picture – this is going to have a very long lasting negative impact for your plugin and probably for plugin sales. I would not wish that on my worst enemy so I am asking one more time reconsider your decision. Just because I think you are a selfish self-centered arrogant person, I am still willing to let this go and resolve this dumb crap. So let me know what you really want to do about this crap.

    To which I responded:

    It seems that nothing I have to say will change your action, so please do as you wish.

    AIT-Pro then responded with:

    Oh well I tried to reason with you. I will be changing my rating from a 5 star to a 1 star rating. If at later time you want to reconsider everything then let me know that and I will glad to change the rating of your plugin from a 1 star rating back to a 5 star rating if you are willing to do the same for my plugin.

    To Which I Responded:

    Good luck in your future endeavors.

    AIT-Pro then responded with:

    Yep, you too. I have just posted my 1 star rating for your plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/has-potentional-and-well-coded-but-the-video-tutorial-will-lose-you?replies=5#post-

    Like I already said if you change your mind at a later time and want to resolve this crap then let me know.


    Moderators: If you could delete this review, I would appreciate it. The author openly states that his negative review is caused by my negative review of his product. If you see fit to leave it, that’s fine too.

    Thread Starter AITpro


    Nope my review is based solely on your plugin after installing it and testing your plugin. I stated that clearly above. I had not tested your plugin prior to my original post because I could not figure out how to get your plugin setup. I installed it and finally gave up trying to get it to work. So after trying again for a very long time and finally figuring out how to setup your plugin and testing your plugin I found out that it is not a calendar plugin that I would ever choose to use since there are so many better calendar plugins available. My original post had to do with not being able to figure out how to get your plugin working even after watching your video tutorial that seemed to have left out a lot of important setup steps. Same basic principle though – not very intuitive/easy to get this plugin working/setup.

    Too funny I should have tested your plugin first and not said anything else and rated it 1 star because your plugin sucks to me. My rating/review will be a 1 star based on that alone and nothing else. So this is the new review/rating that I will be posting in a little, unless of course you want to work something out.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Part of my 2016 “New Year’s Resolutions” (which I never do) is to let reviews play out and hope that it all arrives at “Come. Let us reason together”. So I’ve been trying to maintain a detached level of “grownupness” with these 2 reviews. But reading this tit-for-tat is really straining it.

    I’m going to close this amazing display but I to want to point out something important in these forums.

    @gsexton If you post someones personal contact information again from an email in these forums, even if it may already be public somewhere else, I think I can authoritatively say that there is a extremely high chance that your forum account is going to get blocked.

    This is getting reported to the plugins team as an FYI to them. The moderators and the plugins team is not either of your parents and everyone is expected to behave like an adult.

    But really, this has gone far enough. I’m closing both reviews. Don’t worry about the 1 star, the replies from both of you is much more damaging.

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