Have a second single.php file for different single post look?
Hopefully this one won’t be too challenging. I want the Loop to do it’s normal thing (that I finally figured out) of giving only excerpts on the main page, categories, and archives, and when a single post is requested, it uses the single.php template, which looks different from the index.php, category.php, and archives.php. And of course, I want to make this more difficult.
How would the Loop be formatted to add a condition that says:
IF category 17, use single2.php and not single.php
I have a category of pages that require massive amounts of unique CSS (trying to convert my popular css experiments to fit within WordPress) and I don’t want to load them up in the style.css and I really don’t want these to be in Pages because they I have to mess around with making sure that these pages show up on the categories and archives in a special way because they aren’t part of the Loop.
If there is a better way to do this, I’m game. The style sheet for these experiments is huge.
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