• I’ve just returned to my website for today and have noticed that suddenly (and without changes from me) my header image is tiling despite this option not being selected in the options.

    Also, the background for my menu below the header was white until today. Now the repeated header image is behind it.
    Also, my articles page https://salsahackers.com/blog has some strange things going on with the header. The whole page body is wider and the header is tiled in both directions.
    And finally, when I click on the menu option ‘buy dance shoes’, I am taken to one of my blog posts.
    I repeat- I haven’t changed a single thing on the site.

    Please can anyone help?

    The blog I need help with is salsahackers.com.

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  • I ran your site through Sucuri Security’s free scan and Is it Hacked?’s free scan and everything looks fine. This doesn’t mean you are okay. You should also ask your hosting provider to look at the files from their end and their are some plugins you can install that can run scans.

    See this article and this one.

    I’m not sure how these changes could have happened.

    1. Yes you need to set the background image in the header to no-repeat.

    2. The blog page has some extra styling in the custom CSS that needs to be deleted and the right width will be restored. Delete the following code from your custom CSS:

    .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #wrapper {
        width: 95%;
        max-width: 1400px;
        min-width: 600px;

    I’m not quite sure about the page redirect. That is weird. Delete the menu item and reinstate it to see if it still redirects. Check your htaccess file to make sure it hasn’t been changed? I’m thinking somehow the page buy-salsa-shoes has become corrupted in the database and the theme is just reverted to the next post. (Posts and Pages are in the same file in the database)



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