• tokido



    I have a Posts page and a ACF Post type. I want the Recent Posts Widget ONLY on the Posts page.

    I have the Recent Posts Widget on the Posts page – great! It’s also appearing on my ACF Post Type. If I delete the widget in the Colibri theme, it deletes it on both the Posts page and my ACF Post Type. If I unlink all the styles before removing the widget, it still deletes it off of both pages.

    Is there a way to customize the removal of this widget only on my ACF page, and not my Posts page?

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  • cristianbarbu



    Can you specify the link of a ACF Post Type?

    Thread Starter tokido


    @cristianbarbu Thanks for replying! Can you clarify what you mean? It’s been a while since I’ve used ACF.

    If you are referring to settings, I took a look at my ACF Post Types > Advanced Settings > URLs => I have these options selected/toggled “ON”:

    Post Type Key, Front URL Prefix, Pagination, Archive, Publicly Queryable, Post Type Key

    Thread Starter tokido


    @cristianbarbu Follow-up question:

    1. I am editing the Posts page using the Colibri editor, and cannot remove any of the original blog styling. For example, if I remove all blocks of the page, I am left with a huge space on the right where the sidebar used to be. In other words, once all blocks are cleared, I cannot start place blocks to utilize the full width of the page. I even tried moving the sidebar from the right to the left, and that doesn’t seem possible. Is this an expected result of how the theme works for Posts?
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