Have to pay
Hi elite,
Very unfair review – over three quarters of the options are free and it works perfectly well without the Pro version. I feel you have misunderstood something somewhere – what exactly are you trying to use that is not free that is essential for the plugin to work?
I am amazed how people just casually throw around one star reviews completey disregarding the countless hours that developers (like myself) put in to provide free software to people.
I have looked at all your reviews of other plugins and you seem to have only ever given 1 stars to people and never responded to peoples offers of help.
I would urge you to please take into consideration that people are giving their free and spare time to provide software for you while asking for nothing in return.
Please get into the spirit of Open Source software and don’t start casually throwing around 1 star reviews without even asking for guidance first. Also, in the true spirit of Open Source – if you are not happy instead of leaving bad reviews, code your own!
All the best
I simply have to respond to the OP of this review.
Leaving 1 star reviews because you don’t get all the bells and whistles for free is an extremely cynical thing to do.
The free version of the plugin is superb and highly configurable.
It is well coded and clearly a huge amount of thought has gone into the design and options.
The fact that someone has put this amount of work into something, and then provided a fully functional offering for free is amazing.
For the people who would like more options, then the cost of purchasing the Pro version is tiny considering the amount of work that has gone into it, and the benefit any of us might get back from using it.
It is simply astonishing to me that anyone can be so selfish in their views as to leave a 1 star rating based purely on the fact they are not being given everything they want for free without doing anything more than clicking a button to download and use it.
If a plugin is broken, or introduces some kind of weakness to exploits by hackers, or if the support is rude and unresponsive, or if the plugin just doesn’t do what it is advertised to do, then sure, leave a bad rating.
This plugin is none of those things. It doesn’t push intrusive advertising into the admin, it is well coded, is constantly updated to be current with WP, it works exactly as described, and the developer is friendly and responsive to questions.
People need to make a living out their work, and tools like this one help us in turn to produce something we want for our own site, which looks and works well, and brings an income or publicity from our visitors, or offers something that developers can use to make their own clients happy.
I for one am extremely appreciative of all the hard work that went into making this plugin, and have a tremendous amount of respect for the developer who has made it available for others to use.
If we as a community want people to keep producing fantastic plugins for free or negligible cost, then they should be praised and encouraged rather than treated to silly outbursts of selfish petulance.
Hey gecko,
Thank you very much for the kind words – they really do make me happy as I know how much time over the last 3 years I have given up to the free version of this plugin and the countless hours of free support, always done with a smile on my face.
If you need any help or guidance with the plugin in future please do let me know as I love to help those that appreciate the hard work I have put in that users dont see or realise.
Thanks very much again, you have made my evening.
All the best
Please keep up the good work, you’re a gem!
p.s, This is the first plugin I recommend in forums and chatrooms when someone asks for ideas about responsive menu plugin options, and I first heard positive things about it from other people in the forums and chatrooms I belong to.
Believe me, you are very well thought of and respected, even if most people don’t bother to say anything.
Thanks again.
Hey Guy,
Thanks for letting me know – it really is nice to hear as normally people only tell you when they don’t like you or your work, unfortunately it’s rare for people to tell you when they do and when they do appreciate your work.
I can sleep a happy man tonight!
Have a great day
Too much defensiveness. Not worth reading. Its MY experience & opinion. Furthermore just because someone claims to work “hard” to provide a product does NOT mean its worth being useful to particular people. Good products go to waste because of poor advertising, poor instruction & poor communication.
For you to accuse people of rating your product wrong without finding tactful ways to ask why, or how to get more information makes YOUR PRODUCT WRONG. Its about the entire process of how you present whats being sold or presented. *sigh…take a marketing class …off to enjoy my day. ??
I’m not going to get into a Troll fight.
A plugin with over 80,000 downloads and less than 5% of the reviews are negative reviews.
I think your reply says it all, have a lovely day indeed.
“A plugin with over 80,000 downloads” does NOT prove people keep the plugin. Furthermore people who uninstall what they don’t like do not take the time to post their 1,2,3 star opinion of the 5% you stated.
Now, to call this a “troll fight” says alot about how you see yourself and what what your motive was when you decided to participate your opinion. If you cant handle a debate with respectful facts then don’t add your 2cents. Again this is MY experience & opinion to a product that did not deliver for ME according to the term “process” …
My reply says it all & I’m having a good day. *big smile*Hey elite,
Thanks for your response. I am actually extremely interested in what your issues were with the plugin?
As I said there are about 90 free options and only specifically around 30 are pro and none of these are required to have a fully working plugin.
Id love to work with you on getting it right so people dont feel that way.
In regards taking a marketing class, I would love to know such things but unfortunately I work a full time job and then spend all my evenings working on this plugin, answering support tickets etc. so I really wouldnt have the time.
I guess I could hire a marketing person but again the main version of my plugin is free and I dont make anywhere near enough extra cash on the pro version to even afford someone for marketing.
I think my biggest gripe was from reading most of your other reviews it seems you never actually ask the developers for help first as can be seen from the other developers responses to your reviews. There is a very good support platform for plugins that I would urge to use first.
I am genuinely interested in your thoughts and why you feel you had such a bad experience with my plugin and would love to improve it so you and other users in future dont feel the same way.
Awaiting your reply
Thanks for the reply. I can’t even remember since my initiative post was 2weeks back & I uninstalled the plugin. Im guessing that the free version didn’t accommodate a goal I was trying to execute. I was able to find another plugin.
As far as free vs pro. I’m very aware of great developers who worked hard deserving pay. Furthermore I’ve paid for plugins that were a perfect match for my specific needs.
Again, great products are tossed away due to poor communication, poor instruction, & poor presentation. I myself work in a marketing business as I tend to be very picky and aware of how products are advertised.
I enjoy plugins with ease that offer a “free” tryout” that makes me hooked to the point of being compelled to “buy”. I want to NEED your product. I hate wasting money & time as I’ve ran into horrible developers that are mostly lazy with these plugins.
With that said, this plugin was a frustrating experience. I cant speak for 80k active plugers because I don’t know how or what they are using the plugin specifically for. I’m a website graphic designer so again, Im very picky for specific things I invest in.
Perhaps my needs are too advance. If a person does not have or make time for learning about marketing then that is not good for business as other competitors will exploit every weak area of your product.
If interested here are 3 suggested marketing guru’s that are AMAZING & will increase your branding, productivity & outsource competition.
I PROMISE[ links redacted, please do not post links in reviews ]
Hey elite,
Fair enough and thanks for providing some feedback. Apologies if the review had got a little heated it was not my intention. I do care for the product and therefore want it to be the best it can be.
I also understand what you say about marketing if I wanted this to be a business that I could do full time and forget the day job so to speak, but I am just a developer and never intended for this plugin to ever get as popular as it has done.
It started out as a hobby for me and a way to give back to the WordPress community for everyone elses hard work and dedication and for all those like myself that give up their own free time and put their work out there for free and for others to pull apart and scrutinise (it is quite a scary thing!).
I’m not interested in making loads of money out of this product, I am more interested in making it as good as possible and to providing the best support service I can which is why I concentrate all my hours on improving the product and providing technical support.
If I did want to make the product a commercial success I would probably get someone to do my marketing for me as I need to focus all my time on the plugin and my core strengths which is the development, technical and support side of it. Maybe I’ll give you a call one day although I doubt I can afford it!
Thanks again for your comments and the review even if it is 1 star!
All the best and have a great day
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