@rtantalo I extended the article. Please give it another try https://wpquads.com/docs/adsense-ads-are-not-showing/
There are no coding skills needed to find out if the ads are injected into your site. Just use the ad check button in the admin bar of your site when you are logged in: https://wpquads.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/color_picker_ad_code-600×398.png
> It doesn’t work in page at all.
If the ads are not shown on pages make sure that you enabled the post type “page”: https://take.ms/wpYAR
At the moment you are using easy ads plugin together with wp quads. The wp quads widgets are working but i assume that easy ads is removing the wp quads generated ads in your content: https://take.ms/aBLyB Sidenode: easy ads plugin is not showing any content ads at all on your page blog.2freenites.com/2017/03/16/visit-las-vegas-budget/
So the problem seems not to be related to WP QUADS only.
If you want to migrate completely to wp quads or like to find out why content ads are not injected into your site deactivate all other ads plugins. It’s likely that these plugins are interfering eachother. It’s also not possible to find out why ads are not shown if you are using other ad plugins at the same time.
If you need more assistance you can send me a mail to support [at] wpquads.com