• Hi – I’m attempting to use this plugin so that anonymous users can submit a photo to my website with a description as a blog post. More detail:

    I have 4 fields on my form:

    1. Title (becomes the blog post title) – Required
    2. Photo Description (becomes the blog post content) – Optional
    3. Author – Optional
    4. File Attach (Browse)

    Form Requirements:

    1. The form should submit as a (pending or draft) blog post.
    2. The image attachment should be set as the “featured” image on the post being created by the form submission.
    3. The “Author” information should be associated with the blog post.

    Issues I’m Having:

    1. The Author information is getting lost.
    2. The image attachment is not set as the “featured image” of the blog post being created. I see the blog post in the “Posts” section of WP and I see the image in “Media” but they’re not associated with each other.
    3. My ‘success_page’ redirect isn’t working.

    My Plugin Shortcode is below:
    [fu-upload-form form_layout="post_image" title="Share your B&W photos with our community using the form below." success_page="/success/"]

    Thank you in advance for any assistance!



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