• Resolved forau


    If I go to domain.com/pos and try to log in I receive the wordfence error:

    VERIFICATION REQUIRED: Additional verification is required for login. If there is a valid account for the provided login credentials, please check the email address associated with it for a verification link to continue logging in.”

    If I go to domain.com, log in, then go to domain.com/pos it logs in fine. The issue is that the POS page is being used on a tablet at the front of a store and that way of logging in is incredibly cumbersome.

    Yith POS is configured correctly, it just seems like perhaps captcha isn’t recognising the page as a login page and forcing the verification route instead of captcha?

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @forau,

    As we don’t currently extend our own reCAPTCHA beyond the WordPress and WooCommerce login/registration pages, the Yith POS login page may not work correctly even with Wordfence > Login Security > Settings > Enable WooCommerce integration checked.

    The reason for this is because any login for your site will now be expecting reCAPTCHA and/or 2FA to be verified. Anything that uses different form values or can’t send the required fields could fail altogether or expect verification when that’s not provided.

    You may need to disable Wordfence’s Login Security features and shift to a WooCommerce-specific solution to exclude the extra checks from the POS page.


    Thread Starter forau


    Hi, thanks for your response. Is there no way we can expand Wordfences recaptcha protection to include all login forms?

    Seems quite silly to disable recaptcha functionality in wordfence and have a separate recaptcha solution which includes the POS login.

    Thread Starter forau


    The issue is that I don’t want to exclude the POS login as you suggested. I want that protected too.

    Thread Starter forau


    I have a solution for anyone else who may come across this when googling for a solution:

    Disable Wordfence recaptcha.

    Install this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/login-recaptcha/

    And then add this to your theme functions.php:

    if ( class_exists( 'LoginNocaptcha' )
    && is_callable( array( 'LoginNocaptcha', 'nocaptcha_form' ) )
    && is_callable( array( 'LoginNocaptcha', 'enqueue_scripts_css' ) )
    && ! function_exists( 'yith_pos_customization_login_no_captcha_enqueue' )
    ) {
    add_action( 'yith_pos__login_form', array( 'LoginNocaptcha', 'nocaptcha_form' ) );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( 'LoginNocaptcha', 'enqueue_scripts_css' ) );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'yith_pos_customization_login_no_captcha_enqueue', 11 );
    function yith_pos_customization_login_no_captcha_enqueue() {
    if ( function_exists( 'yith_pos_enqueue_script' ) ) {
    yith_pos_enqueue_script( 'login_nocaptcha_google_api' );

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