• I recently migrated my site to a new server and I am having trouble with podlove finding the episodes though the directory is the same, it can link to the episodes, and it found them all fine this morning, well after the migration. The website is 2turnsahead.com

    Here is a sample error:

    [2015-07-29 05:16:54] — # Can’t reach https://2turnsahead.com/podcasts/2TA_Episode_51.mp3 — # Please include this output when you report a bug url: https://2turnsahead.com/podcasts/2TA_Episode_51.mp3 content_type: http_code: 0 header_size: 0 request_size: 0 filetime: -1 ssl_verify_result: 0 redirect_count: 0 total_time: 10.089728 namelookup_time: 0.017123 connect_time: 0 pretransfer_time: 0 size_upload: 0 size_download: 0 speed_download: 0 speed_upload: 0 download_content_length: -1 upload_content_length: -1 starttransfer_time: 0 redirect_time: 0 certinfo: Array ( ) primary_ip: [redacted] primary_port: 80 local_ip: local_port: 0 redirect_url: php_open_basedir: php_safe_mode: php_curl: 1 curl_exec: 1

    I assume that I have some sort of php error that I need to fix perhaps in php.ini; if you no what I need to do, that would help. I thought it was a simple timeout issue and increased the delay to 10s. If you go to 2turnsahead.com, you can see all the podcasts work (but 70) and the direct url works as well, but when I try to validate the assets, they all fail.


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  • Plugin Author Eric Teubert


    It still looks like a timeout issue. There is no response for 10 seconds and the request is aborted. The question is why it takes so long to respond. If I try to access an audio file from my machine, it only takes 1–3 seconds.

    I’m not sure what might be the issue. But please report back if you make any progress.

    Thread Starter Zubrin


    Thanks for the quick response Eric,

    I’m still tinkering with it and seeing what is wrong. The tracking seemed to die on Friday, but I can’t recall changing anything server side then. The tracking information does say that the URL does not resolve correctly.

    I tried increasing the timeout to 20s but that didn’t change anything and, as you mention, the link works through a normal browser within a few seconds.

    I will still poke at things, I do still wonder if this is some sort of internal server issue that got borked and it is beyond me to see it. Btw, here is my system report, not that I think it helps:

    Website https://2turnsahead.com
    PHP Version 5.4.27
    WordPress Version 4.2.3
    Publisher Version 2.2.4
    Web Player Version 2.0.17
    Twig Version 1.18.1
    open_basedir ok
    curl Version 7.24.0
    iconv available
    simplexml ok
    max_execution_time 600
    upload_max_filesize 1024M
    memory_limit 256M
    permalinks ok (/%postname%/)
    podlove_permalinks ok
    podcast_settings ok
    web_player ok
    podlove_cache on
    mp3 audio/mpeg

    0 errors
    0 notices
    Nice, Everything looks fine!

    Plugin Author Eric Teubert


    Does it work if you turn off tracking?

    Thread Starter Zubrin


    Turning off tracking does not resolve the issue. I am working with support on my server as well, the last message they sent me was,

    “I did not see the exact coding of the curl command.

    The error I saw was the curl command not being able to connect to a website because of how it was written.

    it looks like instead of curl -O https://2turnsahead.com/podcasts/2TA_Episode_02.mp3 was written as curl -O https://2turnsahead.com/podcasts/2TA_Episode_02/MP3 Audio when that would be seen as “podcasts/2TA_Episode_02” this as the directory and this “MP3 Audio” as the file but I cannot tell for sure because I do not see what the exact syntax of your curl command was on in what context it was used.

    if you do this:

    curl -O https://2turnsahead.com/podcasts/2TA_Episode_02.mp3

    You will get the mp3 file downloaded to your computer.

    If you do this:

    You can see the file is viewable online.”

    But I don’t think that answer is in the right direction…

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