having issues with my rss feed
Hello to the wordpress folks. I’ve got a stumper for you.
I have a feed run by power press and I started getting complaints the feed was not working. Upon further investigation I noticed my enclosures weren’t being built. that is, downcast the app I use to test the podcast said no media even though I can dl it from the website. I have tried
1. reinstalling wordpress with the old database and
2 reinstalling wordpress with a new data base.
3. disabling all caching plugins and in all cases uninstalling them yet something is pulling a site from october 4th and it should not be. I’ve taken a loo at my .htaccess file and the’s no caching lines in there. If anyone else has any ideas I’d love to hear them. Here is the site.
there is only 1 podcast post on there for you to test. The feed is
I’m fresh out of ideas. there is only 1 plugin so ignore the extra code that is there as my other plugins are not activated at the moment.
running wordpress 3.6.1 and twentythurteen theme default.
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