• Hello to the wordpress folks. I’ve got a stumper for you.

    I have a feed run by power press and I started getting complaints the feed was not working. Upon further investigation I noticed my enclosures weren’t being built. that is, downcast the app I use to test the podcast said no media even though I can dl it from the website. I have tried

    1. reinstalling wordpress with the old database and

    2 reinstalling wordpress with a new data base.

    3. disabling all caching plugins and in all cases uninstalling them yet something is pulling a site from october 4th and it should not be. I’ve taken a loo at my .htaccess file and the’s no caching lines in there. If anyone else has any ideas I’d love to hear them. Here is the site.


    there is only 1 podcast post on there for you to test. The feed is


    I’m fresh out of ideas. there is only 1 plugin so ignore the extra code that is there as my other plugins are not activated at the moment.

    running wordpress 3.6.1 and twentythurteen theme default.


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  • Probably the best way would be to ask @ Blubrry PowerPress Podcasting plugin support page.

    Thread Starter marrie125


    Already did. Here’s is the thread in full.

    As you can see they are as stumped as I am right now. This is after 2 reinstalls of wordpress over a day. lol! Not fun.

    Thread Starter marrie125


    Ok. here’s the odd thing. When I go to iTunes and pull the feed down it downloads the last ep and picks up the enclosure. Down cast says no media and the other pod catchers that other people use such as catcher works. Also some android devices are not working as well when pulling down the feed, but only for this one. it works for others. I’m wondering if this is some deeper issue. Can someone test with other pod catchers and see if they can pull down the newest (only) ep there? The feed should be in the first post. This is getting odder and odder. The feed does validate by the way.

    I used Zune, Xbox music, Chrome and FF and it played fine.

    The fact that you deleted your web site and re-installed it and the feed still has the old date is an indication that the problem is deeper with the server your running your web site on. Something is getting cached on the server side, if your hosting provider will not fix the problem, then you will need to hire someone (or find a friend who is astute in web server technology) to help you.

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