having trouble using a custom header
HI wordpress people.
really hope you can help me
I’m using wordpress 4 on my website
I’m trying to install the facebook conversion code to the thankyou page of my enrollments so I can gauge the effectiveness of my facebook advertising.
facebook have provided some code ( looks to be javascrpit not html) that is to be placed ” Copy the code below and paste it between <head> and </head>
I understand that placing the code in the header.php will result in every page being tracked.
My intention is track only completed enrollments. This will allow me gauge accurately exactly how much my advertising results in actual enrollments as apposed to just website views.
I can also see how many click the link from facebook ads so there is not much point placing the code on every page.
Thus my goal is create a second header file that is called up only on my thankyou event enrollment page.the steps I have done so far are
1. I made a page template shown here thats calls to header-thankyou.php
and a header-thankyou.php file which is an exact copy of my head.php with the tracking script from facebook added just before the /head.
both these files have been ftp’d to the theme directory
yet when i select the thankyou as a template the checkout page fails to load and the enrollment steps crash.
I have re-instated the default page template to my checkout page so my site does not crash.
I suspect i have not quite got the code right to call the thankyou version of header.
if there is anything obvious you can see would love you long time this problem has been driving me nuts !
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