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  • Plugin Author Aleksandar Uro?evi?


    Hello @gilleschristopher,

    I’m afraid I cannot help you with the white screen issue which may be caused by code snippets added to our plugin’s head/body/footer sections, although I can guide you to inject different values on the homepage and the rest of the website.

    To add different content on the homepage which is a specific Page with ID 128 on your WordPress, you can enable “Pages” within the “Article specific settings” on the plugin settings page, and then enter homepage specific code snippet and enable “Override site-wide code” by editing your homepage.

    Please let me know if the above works for you.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter gilleschristopher


    Hello ,
    Thanks for your answer.

    I don’t have anymore troubleshooting with background white since I said <link rel=”preload” href=”; as=”image” media=”(min-width: 768px)”> for my background.

    If you see my website you can see 3 pictures rotate , Im trying to get preload them cuz of issues about LCP
    <link rel=”preload” fetchpriority=”high” as=”image” href=”; type=”image/webp”>
    <link rel=”preload” fetchpriority=”high” as=”image” href=”; type=”image/webp”>
    but its seems to doesn’t work .

    And yes this 3 pictures is only on homepage also I don’t need this code to my entire site , but even if you said how to do it in the last post … Im sorry I misunderstood …

    Thank you for your help

    Plugin Author Aleksandar Uro?evi?


    Hello @gilleschristopher

    You should enter the following code to the HEAD HFC section on the page with ID #128:

    <link rel="preload" fetchpriority="high" as="image" href="" type="image/webp">
    <link rel="preload" fetchpriority="high" as="image" href="" type="image/webp">

    Can you please edit the page with ID #128 and provide a screenshot of the “Head & Footer Code” metabox on that page?

    Kind regards,

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